Books Are Windows to Learning

Funded Dec 11, 2013

Words cannot even begin to express my gratitude for your donations. My students were overjoyed to receive their own copy of The Outsiders. I purchased colored pencil cases and put their books along with colored pens and a bookmark inside. If only you could have heard their Oohs and Aaahs or seen the smiles brighten their early morning faces.

During our unit on The Outsiders, the students were able to mark up the text using various reading strategies , such as questioning, predicting, clarifying, analyzing, and connecting. As the study of the novel progressed, their insight deepened; I was truly impressed by the level of thought they exhibited. And I do not doubt that being able to directly interact with the text was one of the chief reasons why this magic happened.

Because of their success in studying this book and their love of the story, they grew more confident as readers, which likewise improved our classroom discussions. I know, without a doubt, this is a book they will forever treasure.”

With gratitude,

Ms. Matis