Past projects 45
These Materials Will Add Up to a Great 2010-2011 School Year
Funded Sep 3, 2010Once again, your generosity has enriched my teaching and gotten the school year off to a tremendous start. Your continued support of my classroom exceeds all expectation of "common goodness"; throughout the years, you have consistently proven yourselves to be humans of uncommon rank. Thanks to you, the children have seen what true charity can look like, for your interest in their well-being supports and motivates them just as much as the donated materials do. Thank you so much.
The kids adore what came with this package, from the Time for Kids to the grammar organizer to their beloved Seat Stacks. (As could be expected, the math games also proved to be a great hit.) As I have said in previous thank-you notes, I am especially grateful for the Time for Kids subscription as it brings the outside world into my room in a way that would otherwise be incredibly difficult to manage. Also in this bundle came class sets of phonics and cursive handwriting books for the entire 3rd grade--a huge request on my part, and I (and my colleagues) are extremely thankful you were able to supply us with these most basic of materials.
You guys continue to astound. Again, thank you for all you have done, and for teaching my students a series of valuable lessons about charity, good will, and listening to the voices of those in need.
I wish you both a very happy holiday season!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
Everyone Reads With Read-Alongs!
Funded Feb 10, 2010It was a wonderful surprise to receive the much needed material for our listening center. Prior to your donation, some of the students in our class were not able to challenge their reading abilities due to the lack of listening books at their levels. We thanked Alyssa for her letter and for her dream of having more books. Now she and other students in our class are able to use them and succeed. Alyssa and I spoke to the class about how one person's dream can make a difference. We shared her letter and how her desire became a reality.
In the past, my students made great strides in their reading levels, but there were never enough books to help them keep moving forward. Your donation didn't only surprise me but it also greatly excited these kids as well, seeing how their faces lit up when Ms. W came in with the box of books.
We are grateful for your gift and we are always asking God to bless you and your love ones. Thank you for making my job as a teacher better each day and for making my students' education as rich and as fulfilling as possible. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
This classroom project was brought to life by Give & Learn and one other donor.In Search of New Morning Program Materials!
Funded Feb 2, 2010I am so thrilled to once again find myself writing a letter of thanks to you both. Your generous donation of a new set of remediation phonics books, plus the math enrichment games, makes a huge difference to my students. I have been so lucky to have a very dedicated and committed set of "Morning Tutorial" kids this year, and I appreciate your tacit agreement that they deserve to have the very best when it comes to instructional materials. (These are students that have been identified, by myself as well as by previous teachers, as in need of academic support in one of the core subject areas like math, reading, phonics, and so forth; the extra time is allotted in the morning for tutoring, but, alas, there is no budget whatsoever for instructional materials.)
Your continued support of my classroom continues to better their lives!
Thank you, and I wish everyone a very merry spring!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
This classroom project was brought to life by Korein Foundation and one other donor.My Students Cheer for "Time for Kids"!
Funded Sep 15, 2009Once again, it is a sincere pleasure to find myself articulating yet another letter of thanks to you both. The donation to which this brief letter refers is that of the back-to-school readiness grab bag, wherein I asked for several materials to support instruction and you responded with generous speed. Your faith in my teaching, and in my students' potential, remains awe-inspiring.
In late summer, I began to compile a list of materials that I thought would benefit my incoming class. Perched atop my list was Time for Kids, as a class subscription (where every child receives their own copy) has been crucial to my social studies program through the years, as I have found no more consistent or effective bridge-builder to the world outside the school walls as I have with this magazine. Also included were a few instructional science games, ranging from matter to animal life. I can happily report that, as we've just concluded the study of matter, the kids did exponentially better than they have in previous years, and I'd like to think that the games we played (and the additional laboratory time I allotted this term) helped them reach that goal. You also saw fit to donate a few supplies to help me achieve my personal goal of becoming a more organized educator, and I can proudly report that the organizational aids appear to be working quite well.
Thank you for all you have done, and for what you continue to do. I wish you both the happiest of holiday seasons!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
Our 3rd Grade Is Sending Out An S-O-S!
Funded May 26, 2009You have once again exceeded all expectations and come to my students' rescue.
When New York City teachers renegotiated the contract with the city some years ago, a special tutorial period was added to the day, to provide remediation for the students in greatest academic danger. I love teaching early morning program, for it provides an opportunity for small-group instruction that is difficult to consistently provide during the school day. Plus, as these children are all of the same instructional level, they are freed from the embarrassment that can come when in earshot of higher-achieving classmates during regular school hours.
Since its inception, the main difficulty with this tutorial period has been the complete and utter lack of materials. In years past, I have had to scramble to put together makeshift phonics workbooks. This year, I resolved to correct that lack by asking for help on this site. You both came rushing to our aid, and for that my students and I remain extremely grateful. They love the workbooks, they love the consistency of the early morning program, and they love you for all you have helped them to achieve.
Without your seemingly boundless generosity, my classroom would be a far less colorful, warm, and educational place. Thank you for everything!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
This classroom project was brought to life by Wells Fargo and one other donor.Put a Smile on My Face! Help Us Maximize our Space!
Funded May 5, 2009Hello! I hope the summer was an excellent one for you both.
My new crop of kids are so excited to be in my room, in large part because of the wonderful furniture you have donated over the years. The marvelous tables and seat sacks you donated in June continue to amaze and delight my students (and simultaneously streamline my room). Classroom furniture is a funny thing; you don't truly recognize the impact it can have until you see a classroom that is without the aging, splintering, peeling, crumbling standard set-up. My students love to work without interference, and with the pristine tables where they now labor, there are no distractions left to dissuade them from reaching their potential. You have made that possible, and we send you so many thanks in return.
Once again, thank you so much for your faith and support! ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
This classroom project was brought to life by Wells Fargo and one other donor.A Little Something For the Accelerated Readers . . .
Funded May 5, 2009I am so pleased to write this letter to you! Our classroom listening center has become even more effective because of your thoughtful nature. My students are tremendously impressed with your continuous and unwavering support, and I remain flat-out knocked out by your commitment to the education of our school's students.
The books you have donated will broaden so many young minds. Over these past years, it has been a true joy to watch and help struggling students gain a foothold and move forward, and the materials you have previously provided have certainly spurred their achievement and growth. Now, with this magnificent collection of upper-level books, students who have longed for more challenging materials will finally have them.
Thank you again for your time, generosity, and support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
This classroom project was brought to life by Wells Fargo and one other donor.All the Work that's Fit to Print!
Funded Oct 15, 2008Thank you so much for making our printing dreams come true! We will be (thoughtfully) printing up a storm, especially for the writng projects in the spring. My mind is aflutter with all the possibilities”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
Help Us Spell Phonics!
Funded Oct 15, 2008Thank you so much for this wonderful donation. Just today, one of my morning program students asked me when we were getting workbooks, and I told her that with any luck, we wouldn't have to wait too long. Your generosity will affect my students in such meaningful and tangible ways, and I thank you”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore
Books That I Need But Cannot Afford
Funded Sep 19, 2008Thank you so much for funding these valuable and much-needed books for my library! My students will be thrilled when I tell them on Monday about the generosity that exists within the community. You are truly wonderful! Best wishes”
With gratitude,
Ms. Whittemore