Past projects 7
Wonderful Writers
Funded Dec 3, 2024Words cannot express the gratitude I feel when a project gets funded. Working in a low income district is not always easy. Teachers have to purchase everything. Having a family of my own makes it difficult to always buy the essentials ALL students should have access to. You should have seen the students' eyes light up when I told them strangers provided these materials. It is such a great feeling knowing there are good people in this world. Students will use these materials to embark on an adventure into writing. They will be writing stories, persuasive essays, informational essays and reports after reading many different types of texts. We will edit and perfect our writings until they are aready to be published. Thank you so much for making a difference!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
STEM Materials
Funded Dec 4, 2023I could not contain my excitement when my proposal had been approved! I want you to know that by funding my proposal, you are giving my students an opportunity to have the materials they deserve in the classroom.
The excitement that filled the room whenever a new box arrived was difficult to contain and I was just as excited as the children! They are currently reading the books and using the materials to create science projects about animals, their life cycles, traits and habitats. I am so full of gratitude to be able to present these items to my students and could not have done so without your support. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston.Flexible Seating
Funded Mar 27, 2018The 5th grade students at Brookfield Elementary School are so grateful for the materials you helped bring into our classroom. When I told the classes what materials would be coming to our classroom their smiles lit up the room! They thought people would just buy learning materials for the room. Little did they know that people could help make our classroom cozy and comfortable for learning.
The students are so appreciative to be able to have comfortable areas to do their individual and partner learning within the math workshop. The colorful rug makes our area for math talks much more pleasant than the concrete floor. The stools are such a flexible seat that kids can put them in many areas of the room while they play math games. Lastly, kids are always incredibly excited when their name gets pulled to work in the bean bag area!
It is with much appreciation that I write this letter thanking you for your part in these children's education. The value of what you have contributed toward does not have a dollar amount because it is priceless. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
Mastering Fractions!
Funded Mar 10, 2018The 5th grade students at Brookfield Elementary School are so grateful for the materials you helped bring into our classroom. When I told the classes what materials would be coming to our classroom their smiles lit up the room!
The students are so appreciative to be able to use concrete and representational materials to further their understanding of fractions. They love the fraction cubes! The meaning behind it is much more beneficial then just using paper and pencil. They can now clearly see what fractions look like when you add and subtract them. The fraction multipliers and number lines have also helped my lower level students tremendously. They use them frequently in small groups to practice their fraction skills.
It is with much appreciation that I write this letter thanking you for your part in these children's education. The value of what you have contributed toward does not have a dollar amount because it is priceless. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
Math Workshop Fun
Funded Oct 1, 2017I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your generous donations to my classroom. Our school and district are currently facing a budget shortfall, so without your help, my students would have never had these materials to make learning engaging and fun.
My students were so excited to see the boxes arrive day after day. When I opened them it brought such joy. There were cheers and smiles all around. Knowing there are people out there that care as much about education as I do makes my heart happy.
Your contributions have helped me immensely in my classroom. We use the white boards and erasers each and every day. The binders have helped me keep everything organized and the laminating pouches will allow me to keep math task cards safe and usable for years to come. I get excited to see one of my math ideas come to life knowing I have the materials to actually make it happen.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for caring about teachers, students, their education, and success!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
Learning With Jenga!
Funded Nov 1, 2016What an amazing project that you helped fund! My students were in awe when they saw the life size Jenga pieces. They were incredibly excited to paint the pieces different colors, so we could get started on the many uses of this educational, yet fun and interactive game.
We started using the game during math centers. Each color represented a different type of math question. The small group all had to answer the one question individually. Once all members completed the question, they compared and discussed the answers. When every member of the group agreed they each moved a jenga piece. They loved it! We have reviewed many math skills during our center time using the game.
Our next step will be incorporating the game into other subject areas. It is such a great tool to use for reviewing concepts, so I believe reading terms will be next on our list! Thank you again for your kindness in helping fund our project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
Weekly Readers
Funded Oct 10, 2013Thank you so much for your generosity in helping fund my Weekly Reader project. When I told my students that our goal was accomplished by your kindness, they were over joyed to say the least. However, I honestly do not think they knew what was yet to come. It was not until they actually saw that first delivery that the look of excitement appeared on their faces.
The reason I wanted to order the magazines was because their social studies books were outdated, falling apart, and did not teach kids about things in the world today. The Scholastic Weekly Readers are appealing to the eye and consist of many interesting, engaging and positive articles that my students look forward to reading throughout each week. Not only are they reading about current events, but many of the articles are across all curriculum areas and standards. They are eager to read the science articles, debates, persuasive arguments, and even advice columns. My students use the magazines in center discussions and they are expected to write summaries and create posters about particular articles each week.
The Weekly Readers have changed the way my classroom runs in the afternoon. Before the magazines, students were bored with the curriculum. Now, they are able to relate to the material they are reading and smiles appear on their face when I say the words. "Please take out your Weekly Readers!" I can not thank you enough for making such a difference in my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Davidson
This classroom project was brought to life by CA Technologies and 5 other donors.