Funded Jun 10, 2015I cannot begin to express my thanks for the classroom materials you helped me to purchase. They are a great addition to our learning and classroom experience. Without your generous donations I would not have been able to provide these valuable resources for my students.
My class is constantly asking to listen to books on the iPads, they love the website called Bookflix. I had a student yesterday say, "Miss Roth, I've never used an iPad because my parents have no money for me." It really hits home that some of these kids would never be able to use tools like the iPad if it weren't for school. I'm so lucky that I can share these iPads with her to help in her learning. I also love watching my students read all the books I was able to purchase. Some of them read and read and read because they are so interested in the books that are provided to them. Once again, this is possible because of you.
We are using these resources daily, mostly in our Daily 5 block. Daily 5 is a rotation around the room where students move into different groups for learning. We have a reading area, iPad area, making words area, etc. This is great for them because they are able to use hands on materials to aid in their learning. Of course, they always fight over who gets to start at the iPad center. : )
I am forever grateful for all of your kind donations. I could sit here all day and write about how valuable the materials are to my students, but then it would get too boring for you to read. So thank you, thank you, thank you from myself and my 1st grade class of learning rockstars!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Williams