Past projects 1
Kindergarten Classroom Needs A Rug For Students!
Funded Aug 14, 2013On the morning of Thursday September 12, 2013 my students and I heard the classroom intercom ding. As I answered the call a huge smile appeared on my face. It was the office notifying me of a special order that was just delivered to the school addressed to my classroom. Immediately, I knew what it was. After I dropped the students off for gym class I proceeded to the office and there it was, sitting on the bench. Finally, our classroom rug had arrived. While the students were in the gym my assistant and I unwrapped the rug and set it up in the circle time area. The bright colorful squares lit up the classroom and at that moment I finally felt like the classroom was complete.
The best part of the whole experience was when the students arrived back from gym class. They all immediately noticed the rug and proceeded to stand around the edge with excitement. Most of the children were so excited they asked if they could sit on it. Many of them also asked where it had come from. I explained how there were many people who donated money so we could have a special place in our classroom for all of us to sit and learn each day. Each student is very thankful for our rug. Since it's arrival the students have used it for group time, reading, a place to build with blocks, assembling puzzles and playing games. We also do our math groups on the rug and it is nice to see the children have a comfortable place to work while on the floor.
The rug has simply made our classroom complete. At the start of the school year when the rug had not been delivered yet the classroom had an empty feeling to it. I just felt like a piece of the classroom was missing. Each day when the children gathered for group time on the cold linoleum floor I felt upset. In the back of my mind I kept thinking this is kindergarten and the students should have a welcoming warm space to sit on. Each day I would check the delivery information on my account in anticipation for it's arrival to Spencer, Massachusetts. I cannot thank each of you enough for your generosity to our classroom. The students seem happier since the rug arrived and I am filled with joy each day when I see the students sitting in a spot that is warm and welcoming. The students are more excited to gather together on the rug and they are motivated to learn in our new space. We are having a successful year and I want to thank each of you for helping to make that possible with the purchase of the rug.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. LaViolette