Teaching Struggling Readers the Secrets to Reading Success!

Funded Aug 9, 2022

Thank you so much for helping my struggling readers! Because of your generous donations, my students are now able to use The Secret Stories program to learn phonics in fun ways! They all love learning these secrets! Such Secret Stories include the explanation on how Vowels are all superheroes because they are the only letters that can say their name, that Mommy E is at the end of a word and yells at the vowel to "say your name" then she goes silent, and that sneaky Y sneaks away from the end of a word to steal the cape of superheroes i or e to say their sounds! These are just a few of the stories they've learned thanks to your generosity.

Without your funding I would not have been able to purchase the materials needed to execute the stories. Every cent was utilized in the most effective way. With everything I have been able to purchase, I have seen improved engagement in class and improved reading and spelling!

Thank you again for taking the time to read about my project and for donating to help my struggling readers!! We are lucky to have gotten your support!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Kocsis'