Past projects 1
Providing Movement and Focus for Special Needs Students
Funded May 17, 2018Thank you so much for considering our classroom in your donations. Your gift allows us constructive ways to move our bodies in the classroom which allows us to stay focused and learning. This is so important for the focus and kinesthetic needs of our special education students.
The students were so excited when they saw the new furniture in the classroom. We learned about how to move in between the seating appropriately, when to move if needed, and how to cope if someone is using a seat we wanted to have.
I often hear things like, "Miss, this classroom is my favorite!" and, "I get so much work done in here!" from my students. I know that this is directly tied to the ability to have their impulse, focus, and movement needs met in a way that supports their learning. For that, I thank you.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Peterson