Past projects 8
Living History
Funded Sep 11, 2023I am so grateful for your assistance in bringing history to life for my students. The students will be thrilled to film their own movie this year! The costumes and mic system will bring authenticity to our project. I truly feel the kids will learn so much by participating in this hands on process.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 7 other donors.The Write Way
Funded Mar 31, 2023I’m thrilled to announce that my project is a go!! The kids will be so excited to receive the new supplies just before we start with state testing. All of the new writing supplies and the new rug come at a great time. I can’t thank you enough for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
Remote Power
Funded Dec 17, 2020I’m over the moon with the news that I will be able to provide my 3rd graders with the monthly scholastic reading. It is filled with fun reading and interesting information. They really need the opportunity to get their hands on varied reading that is off the computer these days. Additionally, the teachers pay teachers gift card will allow me to provide ready made slides that help me deliver curriculum to my students in their homes.
Thank you!!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
Technology at Our Fingertips
Funded May 28, 2018Wa hoo! My project has been funded due to the generosity of all of you! I'm so excited to be able to offer a chrome book to students at all time to do center work, use for research, use for practicing multiplication facts, use after finishing assignments and for many more reasons.
Students will have this "technology at their fingertips" at all times which is definitely needed in this information technology age.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
Let's Do a STEM Project Today!
Funded Mar 27, 2018I am so excited to see this project get funded! My third graders love to get involved in different stem activities, but the cost of the supplies has been prohibitive. Now, we can jump into stem challenges on a more frequent basis.
Thank you so much for caring about my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
Where do I look?
Funded Oct 5, 2015You wouldn't believe the roar of excitement when I told the students that they would receive new pens, markers, and most of all a new easel and easel paper. The students were so excited that they begged me for writing time right away so that they would be able to try out their colored pens. Using pens motivates my students to write, and creates a situation where they do not erase during revision. When students erase, they take away writing they may want back later on.
Daily the students join me on our large rug and now they have a wonderful easel to hold our markers and easel pad. Prior to this I was trying to hold paper up on the board with magnets. That option left me no place to keep our previously used writing examples. Now, we just flip the pad back and forth to reference prior examples. Additionally, the beautiful new easel holds the paper at just the right height for the students to see while sitting on the rug.
I'm truly so touched that our larger community has funded this project for my third grade classroom! Thank you very much for your generosity. Please know that your funding made a difference in our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
Paper, Pens and Pencils... oh my!
Funded Aug 30, 2013I want to again express my thanks for your help in funding my writing materials project for my third grade classroom. Our school system, like most, has found it difficult to allot teachers money for specific classroom consumable materials. I wanted to present the students with materials that excited them and inspired them to create strong, meaningful writing pieces.
Your funding allowed me to present colorful notebooks, pens and folders to the students. The students were most excited to receive the materials, especially the pens. Writing with pens is not only more fun, but it prevents students from erasing and losing work they may want to look it later. The folders and notebooks have allowed for good organization of materials.
My students consider themselves lucky to be given materials others do not have to use. I consider myself lucky to have found this great resource to fund special projects.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin
This classroom project was brought to life by Kia Motors America and 11 other donors.Stepping Through our Green Screen into Colonial Life.
Funded May 15, 2013We did it! With the materials that you helped to donate, I was able to film approximately 100 students in front of a green screen highlighting American colonial life. The school was so supportive of our innovative project. We were able to use our auditorium one evening for our "movie premier". Many of the students and their families attended the event to celebrate the students' achievement.
Students really became invested in the project and independently researched their period in history and created solid parts for themselves. Even students who were reluctant public speakers took part in the movie and had at least one line. It was a nice feeling to see how proud they were of themselves. Parents, too, contributed by helping students put colonial costumes together, and then bringing them to our "premier".
I'm happy to say that this is a gift that will keep on giving. I plan to use the movie editing software and tripod, along with the green screen every year with the third grade to film "Colonial Days: The Movie". Indeed, the incoming third graders were stopping me in the halls at the end of the year to ask if we would be doing this movie the next year also. Again, many thanks for making this possible!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Griffin