Two Screens to See and Teach My Students !

Funded Mar 1, 2021

My project for two screens was funded last school year. I was working from home in a district that did not go back fully until May . When we we did go back fully I still had 15 students from home working remotely. In September I started with 25 students all on the computer using google classroom as the platform. I was stressed and anxious for many reasons, but mostly I was afraid I would not build relationships with my students like I have in the past. I started out and did not have the two screens. I then got a used one after a coupe of weeks. I noticed how much of a difference the two screens made. I was able to see all 25 students on a grid on one screen and see what I was presenting or they were presenting on the other. It was a necessity for me and knew I needed it to make an impact. When I received the new screen which was funded so quickly the teaching got even better. I didn't have to keep adjusting it because the other one had no stand! When the spring came around I still had to focus on teaching a large group of students at home on the computer so having the two screens was still very important for me! Despite the challenges of teaching remotely having the two screens helped me tremendously and all of my students benefiting greatly. They received a great education and I was able to get to know each of them/


With gratitude,

Mrs. guiliano-miranda