Past projects 28
Homemade Books For Open House
Funded Mar 16, 2024Thank you so much for the materials to make books for my kindergarteners. Students worked diligently to get their I Like, I See, or I Can books ready in time. It was such a joy watching them read their books to their parents. They felt so proud to have a hardcover book to share with their parents at Open House.
Promotion ceremony was a lot of work, but well worth it. The decorations were awesome. We used streamers and balloons to decorate the multipurpose room. Families were amazed to see the end result. The balloon blow up machine was very handy to make all the photo booth areas. We made three different areas for parents to take pictures after the ceremony.
Now it's time to get ready for a new school year!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by A Northern California Family and 3 other donors.Kindergarten Supplies
Funded Nov 29, 2023The supplies came just in time for the start of 2024! The students definitely needed more pencils to use in the classroom. We have also needed new folders for our homework and classwork. It's amazing how quick our school supplies need to be replaced throughout the school year.
The plastic book bags are great to have in our seat sacks. When students complete their work, they can browse through the books and read. Lastly, the student loved the air clay. They had fun making different artistic creations to take home.
Our class is now working on getting our garden beds planted again, so we can harvest new crops for eating and cooking. Students really enjoy working and taking care of the garden spaces.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and one other donor.School Supplies for Success!
Funded Sep 26, 2023The cleaning supplies have come in handy during this cold season. We use the gloves to protect our hands when cleaning the surfaces of the tables and desks in our classroom. This has helped with keeping the kinders healthy. We also use the gloves when we prepare or cook food in the classroom.
The new whiteboards are an awesome addition. The students are so happy to have their own individual whiteboards to use in the classroom. It is especially nice because the dry erase markers attach to the whiteboards.
As our garden area is starting to produce vegetables. We are gearing up to start doing some more cooking in the classroom. We are hoping to get an induction burner, induction pan, and cart to use in the classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex and 2 other donors.Cooking Fun!
Funded Feb 17, 2023My students enjoyed cooking with our new induction burner, pots and pans. All the students want a turn being the chef. It's great that the induction pots and pans do not get hot on the handles. We have made stir fry vegetables from our garden and potato tacos.
My first graders were excited to see our new cooking supplies. Many told stories about how they help their moms cook at home. I was amazed at how many of the students knew how to stir the vegetables without having it spill out of the pan.
As a new school year is approaching fast, we are looking for donations for school supplies in the classroom. I will be moving to kindergarten students this upcoming school year, so some of our needs in the classroom have changed.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by A Northern California family and 2 other donors.Rainy Day Recess Games
Funded Nov 30, 2022We have had a lot of rainy day recesses this year. Students are enjoying playing all the games. One of the favorite games is Simon Says. They love watching the different colors light up and trying to copy the patterns. They even compete against each other to see who can get further in the game.
The velcro bullseye target is so much fun. Students love tossing the velco balls on the target and seeing how many points they earn. Hungry, Hungry Unicorn Hippos creates lots of noise as students try to get as many marbles as possible in the quick paced game. The Guess Who Game requires students to use their problem solving skills to figure out which character is the Who.
Rainy day recess has become a favorite for my students. They love playing the games with their friends. As the weather gets warmer, we are looking for more outside equipment to use during our recesses.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 2 other donors.Math and Science Kits
Funded Oct 27, 2022My students love using their hands on kits. They really like building with the legos, molding objects with the clay, and using the whiteboard marker to draw pictures. Whenever we have extra time or they finish their work early, they are able to get their kits and create. Students love showing their creations to their classmates and me.
Many students are struggling with adding and subtracting numbers. The number lines with the moveable bear help students to solve problems correctly. The measuring tape is has been used to measure the height and width of different objects in the classroom. Students are able to compare the sizes of objects using the measurements. The magnifying glasses have been so useful in the garden spaces. Students are able to see small insects and fine hairs on the plants. They get so excited when the find/see something new.
We have been planting and harvesting in our garden over the last few months. Students have tasted many raw vegetables. We are hoping to get funding for some cooking equipment, so we can change the texture of items and see if we like them.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by National Corn Growers Association and 9 other donors.Garden Tools Needed!
Funded Apr 7, 2022Thank you so much for the garden supplies. The students love using the little shovels and spades to dig out weeds and make holes to plant seeds. Now each student is able to have his/her own tool to use during garden time.
The garden cutters have been helpful for us when we need to prune our plants. Some of our plants need some trimming because they are growing so well. We have also used the cutters to pull out some dead plants and cut them into smaller pieces. It's amazing to see how the students take charge and ownership for keeping the garden well maintained.
The garden gloves help keep our hands clean and prevent us from hurting ourselves when pulling out some thorny weeds. Lastly, the buckets allow us to store our new tools in a safe space.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose community & an Anonymous Partner and 3 other donors.Safety and Fun
Funded Mar 4, 2022We are finally seeing a decline in Covid 19 cases at our school site. However, we have still been using face masks to protect ourselves. The students love the designs on the new face masks. They want to change their masks, so they can use a new cool designer one. Rapid test have been passed out to students who need them. It has been a great way to get students to test before coming to school when they are having symptoms. Students use the gloves in the classroom to clean their desks and to work outside in our garden.
The biggest hit was the pop-it game boards. The students were so excited to see these and play games with their classmates. It is something we use to have fun at the end of the day.
Now we are focused on keeping the motivation up and improving our reading skills for the remainder of the school year.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by American Federation of Teachers.We Need Books!
Funded Jan 27, 2022The students were so happy to receive the new books. We have not been able to go to our school library, so we use books in the classroom to read weekly. Students choose three books a week to put in their reading pouch. These books are read whenever students finish their work early. Some students take the books home to read and put on their daily reading log. Students enjoy reading books about popular characters like Pete the Cat and Pigeon. They think it is so awesome when they are able to choose the same book as someone else in the class.
Some of the books are used for in class read alouds. These books focus on how we are unique and need to be accepting of others. The books also teach students about how to deal with different issues that may arise in the classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by A Northern California family and 2 other donors.Recess Equipment Needed
Funded Dec 1, 2021My students love the new playground equipment. They enjoyed riding on the little scooters. Students pushed each other on the scooters and had mini races. They like having multiple balls to use during recess time. Some students enjoy playing basketball with friends. Others just like to practice bouncing the ball skills. They like to compete against each other to see who can bounce the ball the longest. It has been such a joy seeing the smiles on their faces when it is time for recess. Everyone wants to use the new equipment.
In the coming weeks, we will be learning about the sun and moon. I would like my students to create presentation boards for class. My next donors choose project is to get supplies to create the presentation boards. This will give my students the opportunity to share their knowledge in a different way.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sae Lee
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.