Funded Aug 4, 2023Thank you again for being amazing donors and contributing new chapter books, a new rug for my library, and some school supplies. Every year, I like to change the theme of my classroom. In previous year, I've done an ocean theme, a dinosaur theme, and a board games theme. This year, I decided to have a National Parks theme. I've been fortunate to be able to travel and one of my favorite places to go are National Parks. I have been able to transform my room into a National Park and the one thing I was looking for were books students could read.
How exciting was it for me to find a variety of different chapter books that were National Parks related to specific National Parks! Thanks to you I found a National Park Book Series and decided to make it a book study for my students. So based on their reading levels, I divided students into groups. Each group gets to read one of the new chapter books. I allow them to read for 20 minutes with their group and on Fridays we go over reading skills such as Main Idea, Summarizing, and problem solving just to name a few and review with me what they read. Some days, I have them draw a picture to help explain what happened at that chapter.
My students love the book and I can't thank you enough. I'm able to tie in the books we are reading to the National Parks we are learning about. My students are learning about not only reading, but geography, science, and social studies because we are able to talk about landscapes in each National Park. We also are tying in the animals we are finding at each National Park to our reading curriculum which currently is all about animals.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Ramos