Past projects 3
More technology in 2016!
Funded Mar 5, 2016Dear Mr. Reardon,
Thank you very much for your generous donation to the Ashfield Middle School in Brockton! The Amazon Fire tablets have made, and will continue to make, an invaluable impact on my students. The tablets have motivated my students to learn and keep up with today's technology. Students have been able to work cooperatively in pairs or small groups to access the curriculum. They have gained access to Discovery Education, an online Social Studies tech book, that includes video segments, artwork, primary sources, etc. Lastly, my students have been able to keep up with current events and have riveting discussions in class. In the upcoming school year, the tablets will be used in all content areas and grade levels. Thank you again for your kindness and for valuing education.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Kelly
With the Third Cup of Tea, You are a Family!
Funded Dec 10, 2014Thank you very much for the donation to my classroom! My students were thrilled to get the books delivered. We started reading "Three Cups of Tea" right away! Reading this book has been invaluable experience for my students. It has taught them about the importance of community, the value of education and increased their literacy skills.
They now know that one person can make a difference if they believe in themselves and their cause. It has encouraged many of my students to try to make a difference in their community. They have worked to clean up and landscape the outside of our school, work in the after school program and tutor the younger students. "Three Cups of Tea" has also taught them not to take their education for granted. Many of my students were shocked to learn that education is not the same in other countries. Many have started to put more effort into their school work.
Lastly, my students have been fully engaged in class when we are reading. We have read in a variety of ways - silently, whole class, partner and small group. In small groups the students complete Think Alouds where they make predictions, summarize and use new vocabulary. It promotes academic discourse and helps them reflect on what they read. I will use the books for years to come. Thanks again!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Kelly
Help Us Learn About Current Events!
Funded Dec 18, 2012I can't fully express my gratitude for your donation to my project. The Junior Scholastic magazines have been a great benefit to my 8th grade students this year. The donation has helped my students to think critically and to understand the world in which they live. My hope is that the magazines will also contribute to my students growing into responsible and contributing citizens.
The articles in Junior Scholastic are very relevant to both their academic and personal lives. They are interested in so many of the stories. We use the magazines weekly to develop skills that my students will need to be successful in high school and beyond, such as analysis of current events, nonfiction, maps, graphs, and primary source documents.
Thank you very much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Kelly