Past projects 2
Inspiring Independence
Funded Nov 3, 2021The addition of the premade file folder games has enhanced our classroom in many ways. The most obvious way is they are engaging tools for practicing academics. The most impactful way they have enhanced the classroom came a few weeks after the materials arrived. The students I serve had been having a very difficult time working together. When they sat at the same table they would ruin each other's materials or argue about things. I was looking through one of the boxes to see what file folder game I wanted to use and the boys came over to the table unprompted. When they came over I took the opportunity to show them the game and they spontaneously began to play. They worked together to match the game pieces to their correct spots and did not argue about a thing.
Since then we have continued to use the games for both independent and partner work. These have also been so helpful when we have staff who are out. The games are easy to grab and use with a student without much direction. We are all so very grateful for these amazing resources that we have loved using this year and will continue to use for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Amento
Wireless Listening Center
Funded Nov 1, 2013From the second the box arrived in the classroom the students were excited to use the headphones. That kind of excitement in the classroom is always rewarding to see. It takes a great deal of effort to get my struggling readers excited about any kind of reading task. The fancy technology definitely achieved that immediately.
There are various sources online and on CD that provide access to literature these students are unable to access on their own. By third grade they want to read something that interests them, but high interest books are out of their reach independently. We also do not have enough working computers in the room to set them up individually. Since receiving these wireless headphones I have been able to connect the receiver to my teacher computer and give each child headphones. They are able to sit away from my desk and computer area while still listening. I have been able to have them listen to author Robert Munch read his books aloud, stories from the basal, trade books related to the topics we cover across the curriculum, and more.
The instant access to these literary sources have increased their interest in reading as well as their reading skills. The students are able to participate more fully in whole group lessons as well because they have had the same access to the grade level reading material. The headphones and listening center have also freed me up to work with other students without having to keep these students busy. It's the best of both worlds for me. The students are learning while I'm not there!
Thank you so very much!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Amento
This classroom project was brought to life by NEA Foundation and 2 other donors.