Past projects 25
S.T.E.A.M Challenges for My Eager Learners
Funded May 2, 2018Thank you for your donations to my STEAM Challenges project. My students are eager to learn and deserve all the resources and advantages I can provide as their first teacher. We were so excited to use all the materials and activities this project provided.
I wish you could see their faces when they enter the classroom in the morning and see new materials set up for them. I love how eager they are to explore and learn with each other. They love the new marble run activity for the magnetic board, and eagerly took turns building different ways for the marbles to go down.
The STEM bundle provided us so many activities that they use in the block center. They build colorful, age appropriate, pulleys and ramps and explore the simple machines and how they work and make work easier. Through their play and guided exploration, they are learning many math, engineering, and science concepts for the future. They also enjoy the pendulum, which is a perfect addition to the building block area as well.
They loved the sink and float materials and learn to predict which will sink and which will float and why. They explored using many other materials they found in our classroom. The kit makes presenting the activity to them easy and organized for me. It gives me more time to focus on other areas of my teaching.
The Programmable Mouse Game was the biggest hit in the classroom. We had to make a list of the students who wanted a turn to play to provide order and fairness. This taught them fair ways to play and we found a solution to the problem. Coding and programming are important knowledge and skills they need today and in the future. I was so excited myself, when I saw Learning Resources had created a game that would provide an age appropriate learning of these skills and way of thinking.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in my project, my students and myself as their teacher. The materials will provide exploration and learning for all my future students, as well.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schatmeyer
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 7 other donors.S.T.E.A.M. Inspiring Young Minds For The Future!
Funded Mar 20, 2018I cannot thank you enough for funding my STEAM project for my young learners. This is the age that we must introduce the concepts related to math, science, engineering, arts and technology. The early learners can bring this basic knowledge and build on it throughout their learning years and their entire lives.
Research has been done and these companies have reviewed the results and information when creating these products. They make teaching the concepts far less challenging for teachers. These products are engaging and provide the experiences that will lead to the skills necessary in our world today. Once they experience how a car goes down the ramp or how the gears fit together and can turn so easily, they will look at things with this new knowledge and will understand other concepts.
The chain reaction set provides real life experiences of how things react and relate to each other and how one movement can have an effect on so many other things.
The gears also provide and reinforce the idea of a chain reaction and how one small thing can lead to another and how one small thing can cause a reaction; negative or positive.
I have used the concept of a chain reaction in my character education lessons as well.
I am so grateful for your donations and commitment to my teaching and my students. i am very grateful, and will "pay it forward" one day.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schatmeyer
This classroom project was brought to life by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation and 2 other donors.Critical Thinking Through STEM; Even in Pre-K
Funded May 2, 2017Thank you so much for all the generous donations that provided the wonderful products and resources. It was overwhelming receiving and unpacking the new materials for the students to use during the day. They love the light table and exploring with different materials in the classroom. They found many items that become more interesting when adding the light dimension. They use the color paddles, transparent gears, the transparent Magna-tiles and the transparent magnetic builders. It's nice to be able to change things as well. It seems like brand new explorations and building goes on each day.
They play so often with the tunnel builders on the magnetic board. It's interesting to see the different configurations they come up with and their excitement when their tunnels allow the balls to roll into the cup as they had expected. We keep a small clipboard for them to sign their names and timer next to each of these centers since so many want to explore there.
My new class of students are enjoying the products as much as the children did last year! We are so lucky to have the different ways to increase their STEAM learning. They will use, and build on the knowledge and curiosity they establish here in Preschool throughout their educational journey. Thank you for donating this for them.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing my students and my future students the learning and exploring opportunities the resources provide! Bless you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schatmeyer
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 9 other donors.S.T.E.M. ~ Especially For The Youngest Learners!
Funded Oct 27, 2016My young students love discovering with all the materials you have donated. Through their play, exploration, and cooperative learning they have experienced building a roof, making rafts and boats, testing different water spouts and about the properties of water. Together, they discuss ideas, and solutions, make plans and test and revise their ideas and possible solutions.
They explore and discover on their own and in small groups. Your donations have brought them to a higher level of thinking and problem solving. They have learned to appreciate all ideas and to work together as a team to find and test all solutions. I have shared the materials with other teachers in my building. I look forward to using the materials with my class in future years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schatmeyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Anonymous Donor and 4 other donors.Photographing & Preserving Art in Nature
Funded May 24, 2012Thank you so much for your generous donations to my project to help my three year old students photograph their art in nature.
I am able to use the cameras daily for taking photos of the students interacting and learning. I use the photos for my notes to provide documentation of their learning and progress, and the activities we do. It is a very important assessment tool.
The children use the child friendly camera to take photos of themselves and of their art in nature and all that they do. It is so valuable for them to be able to photograph their work and their accomplishments, as well as their art in nature.
The Week of The Young Child is April 15-19th this year and we will have many photographs of their art work and poems on exhibit in the school gym for the families, other students and staff to enjoy. Without your generous donations for the cameras I would not be able to create this wonderful art and language project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Schatmeyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Anonymous Donor and 11 other donors.