Funded Jun 26, 2018One of my big initiatives this year has been to incorporate more Literacy into our STEAM projects. Through your generosity, I have been able to do this so far with a number of books including "Perfect Square", "Epic Engineering Disasters", and "What to do with a Box". Although there is no R for Reading in STEAM, I feel like infusing literacy at any point possible is essential, especially at the elementary level.
Some of the other materials you helped provide my students have been first shown in our Friday electives. These students were so excited to get a sneak peek before their peers and see items that are similar to what they may know but with a twist, such as the Magnaflex, flexible magnets.
Our K-2 students are getting more STEAM than ever this year, so I am still trying to boost their exposure to this content. I am also still researching more picture books that I can tie into our lessons. Finally, I am visiting classrooms and helping teachers infuse STEAM into the content in their rooms.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Bloomer