Past projects 5
Be a Part Of the Show!
Funded Apr 3, 2023Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the generous donation. WE LOVE our Lakeshore Career Costume Set! My students are really enjoying using their imagination, building their vocabulary, learning about new careers and exercising their creative side to bring these careers to life. For example, my students started to write letters to each other so that the mail carrier can deliver them. Right there they were practicing their writing skills, learning new vocabulary such as : letter, post office, delivery (etc.)
My students loved all the pieces the box came with. It had a variety of careers for them to chose from.
We will continue to play and increase learning skills such as communication, vocabulary, theater drama (role playing) and social skills (taking turns) using the costume set. THANKS A MILLION!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sanchez-Aguilar
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great®.Social Emotional Learning Is Caring
Funded Jan 6, 2023Thank you for your generous donation. We are really enjoying the social-emotional books as well as the social emotional picture cards. Students have improved in behavior and our classroom environment is more positive and inviting.
Students are able to use the calming corner for whatever they need. Our new rug makes it cozy and inviting! Some go to read a story, relax, take a deep breath and/or take a nap.
All students have been benefiting from the books, photographs and word cards on the daily. These stories take children through real-life situations and attempt to guide their behavior. With the books students are learning coping and social skills, as well as to work through behavior management strategies.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sanchez-Aguilar
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 4 other donors.Sand Exploration!
Funded May 2, 2022The students get extremely exited every time they get to use the sand box during outdoor playtime. They really enjoy creating many things out of sand (pies, castles, ice-cream, mountains etc.) and are excited to show/tell their classmates and myself about their creations.
The students were over the moon when they saw the sand station set up. They now have a new and exciting station to explore during outdoor activity time. Everyday the kids run towards the sandbox like the first day it arrived.
In our Pre-K class, we are currently learning how to share and take turns so we use the sand station to practice using our kind words and our manners. In addition, we also use it to reinforce our math vocabulary words such as more, less, heavy, light, to name a few. I have seen a big improvement in their oral language by having this sand station especially with my English language learners. This station has been an amazing tool for learning. Thank you all so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sanchez-Aguilar
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and 5 other donors.Printer for Literacy!
Funded Sep 13, 2021This printer has helped my students grow academically. I have used the printer daily to print materials to help them grow in literacy and math. They are excited to see themselves learn how to write their name and develop fine motor skills that are important skills for 4 year olds.
I made a writing center for my students and I printed their name so they can learn how to write it. Most students can write their name. They also love to color so I print images that they get excited about to motivate them to practice and develop their fine motor skills.
All my students seem to get excited when they practice their name because it gives them a boost in their self-esteem that they are one step closer to their writing goal. They are also excited that they almost recognize all their letters from a colorful sheet I printed for them. Thank you again for this awesome printer that has really helped my students make academic gains!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sanchez-Aguilar
This classroom project was brought to life by The Allstate Foundation and one other donor.Books That Look Like Me!
Funded Sep 8, 2021Thank you so much for the lovely multi-cultural books. My students are really enjoying their new multi-cultural books. I always wanted a library that would promote diversity in children's literature because it is important for children to identify with different communities. It helps children learn about themselves and feel like they have a valid place in the world.
My students are 4 years old and I read aloud to them daily. Reading aloud helps students learn how to use language to make sense of the world. It improves their vocabulary and comprehension. Reading aloud has motivated my students to read on their own and grow a look for books.
All my students are enjoying the books. I noticed that they like to reread stories that I have read aloud to them. They gravitate towards them when they are in the library and get excited when they are available to read. I've heard them say "I love this book!" Thank you again for making this possible in my class.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Sanchez-Aguilar
This classroom project was brought to life by The Allstate Foundation and 8 other donors.