Past projects 17
Pocket Science
Funded Dec 28, 2021Our students were elated to use the hand-held microscopes you provided in a recent experiment called "Phase Changes." The students were able to get a microscopic view of the ice, ice colored with food coloring, salt water, the salt left from evaporated salt water, and regular water at room temperature. Students were amazed to see the microscopic level as opposed to viewing these substances through the naked eye.
Our students will be using the microscopes in the near future on various experiments with solutions, mixtures, and both chemical and physical reactions. It is so refreshing to see students have their own personal microscope and utilize it to view things they could only view with the naked eye. In addition, each student is able to view substances without having to make a slide and use an old-fashioned microscope which opens the door for us to go outside the classroom for labs. Thank you to our donors!”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
21st Century Science
Funded Nov 18, 2021Our students just recently used the digital thermometers on a project called "The Phases Lab." In the lab, students experimented with water in its three states solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor/evaporation). The digital thermometers were utilized to measure and compare the temperatures of water in a solid-state, water transitioning from a solid to a liquid, and water transforming from a liquid to a gas. The students were excited to see the interaction between temperature and phase change in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
The digital thermometers were easy to read and easy to use. The students were able to manipulate them in such a way that allowed them to compare Celsius and Fahrenheit readings. The thermometers were so much more useful than the traditional mercury thermometers that are difficult for students to read and even more difficult to discern between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Our students will continue to benefit from the digital thermometers as we continue to explore physical and chemical reactions and how temperature impacts each.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
This classroom project was brought to life by Young Sheldon on CBS and one other donor.Seeing Our World Through Chemical Change and Reactions
Funded Nov 22, 2017My students had a blast doing the experiment "Chemical Reaction in A Baggie" using some of the chemicals which your generosity provided. We were able to conduct an exothermic and endothermic reaction using the phenol red solution. This hands-on experiment enabled by students to gain an understanding of chemicals and chemical reactions that have enhanced our unit on physical and chemical changes.
Not only were the students engaged, they were really excited and asked a host of questions as we progressed through the lab. This is the type of science that students remember and take with them beyond school. Thank you so very much for your donations.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind
Funded Dec 6, 2016On behalf of my students, I wish to thank you, Tom's of Maine, for your generous donation to our project. You have made a lasting impact on my students by supplying them with neat, interactive, hands-on materials that make learning real and applicable to the world they live in. My students will be able to apply first-hand knowledge to real-world application and see and experience for themselves the alternative ways of producing energy.
I hope that you can imagine the excitement and creativity you have enabled, with your donation, within my students. Their excitement in building wind mills and solar powered cars is surpassed by the creative thought and problem-solving creativity that these materials have spurred within each of them.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
This classroom project was brought to life by Tom's of Maine and one other donor.Sun Fun: Building and Racing Solar Powered Cars
Funded Dec 6, 2016Students learn best when they can not only visualize a concept, but see it in action. Even better is when students can gain hands-on experience rather than just "book-learning." Your donation has enabled my students to do just that; put learned concepts into action that enables them to see real-world examples of what could be the future of energy usage in our world.
The materials you have provided us will spur my students to think critically and creatively as they consider the many alternatives to using fossil fuels. More importantly, these hands-on materials will enable them to experience first hand how alternative fuels can be used and how the environment can be preserved. I am convinced such activities will create the problem-solvers of our future.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
This classroom project was brought to life by Tom's of Maine and one other donor.Bringing the Outdoors Indoors!
Funded Oct 26, 2016I truly wish each of you could have been in my classroom last week. We investigated a pond ecosystem, supplied by your donations, without leaving the classroom. We are currently studying ecosystems, their biodiversity, and identifying decomposers, producers, and consumers in each. Our method is to start small ( like a pond ecosystem) and move to larger and larger systems as the nine weeks progress. Along the way, my students will explore how human activities impact ecosystems and how biological and environmental factors affect ecosystems. This last week, my students, using the pond ecosystem lab investigation your donations provided, explored and investigated a pond ecosystem, identifying its microbiological life by looking a samples of the pond water under a microscope.
The student's response to this was electric. They were able to see micro-organisms actually eating and moving under the microscope. The "wows" were too numerous to count. My students were engaged in the learning and totally attentive and interactive. The pictures I included are from my classroom and show the students investigating and identifying pond-life using microscopes, calculating the diversity index of the pond, and drawing the organisms they discovered onto their lab reports. This lab enabled my students to see the interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem and how those organisms actually exist day-to-day. We followed up the next day by adding various toxics, such as road salt runoff and storm drain runoff to our mini-ponds. The students then were able to see first-hand how such toxics affect life in an ecosystem. The students were able to see through their microscopes, how these toxics immediately have an adverse affect on an ecosystem.
The materials you provided have enabled my students to build a foundation regarding ecosystems and their biodiversity upon which to build the rest of our nine week study upon. There is enough of the materials for me to do this project again for the next 2-3 years. Words cannot express my sincere appreciation for how this will equip my students to think critically about ecosystems and how human interaction with ecosystems can have positive or negative effects. On behalf of the students in my classroom I say thank you!”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
Earth's Movements: Disasters Or Design?
Funded Oct 27, 2015On behalf of myself and my students, allow me to say "thank you" for your continued interest in funding public school projects like this one. These materials have helped us get a nice head start on implementing the new science standards and opened a door of understanding of how our Earth functions. Our study of Earth's processes and natural disasters, such as earthquakes, is enhanced and deepened through your generous support. Added materials such as these enable my students and I to go beyond the textbook and achieve real-world understanding and application. Again, thank you so much and know that you are helping students move beyond the classroom in their understanding and application of science.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
Chemistry, Chemistry Everywhere!
Funded Oct 26, 2015My classes are already using the model kits and making models of common compounds like water, ammonia, iron oxide, and sodium chloride. These kits allow my students to build models of compounds and actually see how the elements bond together. These types of hands-on labs are essential in developing visual understanding of what otherwise they could only imagine. These labs enable my students to conceptualize and deepen their understanding of elements and the compounds they form.
On behalf of my students, I want to extend to you our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation that organizations like you take the time and effort to support education. My students are richer and more knowledgeable because of your efforts.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
Cyber Science: Making Science Fun in the 21st Century
Funded Aug 11, 2015I want to thank you on behalf of my students for your generous donation. The materials we gained through your generosity have already made a positive impact on our classroom and learning environment. The cyber-science has enabled us to explore the human body in an interactive way by using the 3-D models as we have investigated each of the human body systems. This is something we will be using throughout the year as we explore chemistry and earth's internal systems. Again, thank you for enriching our learning experience and providing us with materials that deepen our understanding of how the world of science impacts our lives each and every day.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey
Weather, Weather Everywhere
Funded Oct 30, 2013Thank you, on behalf of myself and my students, for supplying the funds for our project on weather. The students really are having fun learning using the weather facts ball and the Weather Jingo game activity. In addition, portable weather monitor allows my students to take weather data easily and accurately. Also, the weather books will enable me to develop excellent lesson plans that will engage my students in hands-on learning activities that will be memorable and assist them in understanding and applying weather concepts for years to come. Again, thank you for all you do.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Maxey