Past projects 2
Dramatic Play Brings Out A Child’s Imagination
Funded Apr 29, 2023Thank you for funding our dramatic play area. My students were very excited when we received the All-in-one Kitchen set and setting up the new kitchen in our dramatic play area has made a difference in my student's learning by increasing their dramatic play skills. I have noticed an increase in exploring their thoughts and feelings trough creating and engaging in complex dramatic play scenarios. Through dramatic play, my students are developing their oral language and learning to cooperate, problem solve and be self-starters. Now our dramatic play area is one of our children's favorite learning centers to go to. Thank you to all the donors who have students as their best interest. The kitchen set donated is tremendously benefitting my classroom and my students and I appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chen
This classroom project was brought to life by PNC Grow Up Great® and one other donor.Calming Area
Funded Feb 6, 2023Thank you for funding our calming area, my students are very excited when we opened all our items. I have setup the calming corner in our classroom library with a soft rug, yoga mat, a soft chair for sitting, a canopy, soft pillows, fidget toys and some of the students' favorite books that we got from your donations. Now our library calming corner is our student's favorite area to go to. Whenever my students get dropped off in the morning, they will go to the calming corner to help them deal with separation anxiety. Setting up our calming corners helped my students practice identifying their emotions, managing their stress, self-regulate and control their impulses.
We are so happy that our calming corner is now equipped with comforting objects and soothing materials that are now being used to promote mindfulness, breathing and reflection.
I have noticed my students are now learning how to regulate their emotions when frustrated or upset. The calming corner gives my students a safe place to gather their emotions and transition back into the classroom routine when ready. Now my students learned to request to go to the calming corner for a break before becoming frustrated and use those fidget, doll, poster and games to help them reduce the amount of meltdowns and teach them about their own emotions.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chen
This classroom project was brought to life by College Football Playoff Foundation & ESPN.