Past projects 10
Making Recess Fun!
Funded Dec 4, 2023Thank you so much for your generous donations. I wish you could have seen the excitement on my students' faces when we opened the boxes together. We use the jump ropes every day. We have included other classes so now many children get to enjoy these supplies each day. It is heart warming to watch students who struggle with jumping the rope finally get the rhythm and then go on to teach others!
We have also shared our soccer balls. More soccer balls on the field allows for smaller groups, more practice and less arguments. We honestly use these supplies every day.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston and 2 other donors.Creativity, Practice, and Saving Trees!
Funded Aug 12, 2021Thank you so much for the white boards, dry erase markers and Bouncy Bands. My students were so excited to hear that they would have their own personal white board to keep in their desk. It makes our writing, particularly our phonics writing practice, easier because their supplies are always ready to go. I am so proud of the fact that using these white boards has reduced the amount of paper my class uses on a daily basis.
Bouncy Bands are rubber bands placed between the legs of the desk upon which students can rest their feet and bounce them when necessary. I love this product. It actually works! When a student is off task I will remind them to use their Bouncy Band and it really allows them to move and work at the same time. Most often, students do not even need reminders, they use them because they work!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 2 other donors.Books of the World
Funded Sep 16, 2021Thank you very much for the multicultural books and posters. They are so bright and beautiful and great to hold in our actual hands! They are engaging and age appropriate.
My students are allowed to choose their own books to keep in their book bags. They are so happy to see themselves and their cultures reflected in books. They are able to use their background knowledge to read the book and then share what they know with others. These books are a spring board for students to share information they have about themselves and their culture.
I am proud to hang these beautiful posters in my classroom. I am happy that my students can see themselves reflected in them every day.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
This classroom project was brought to life by Dollar General Literacy Foundation and 4 other donors.At Home Authors
Funded Sep 16, 2020I had a a few days set aside for families to come pick up their bag of wonderful supplies that were donated through this program. It was the first time I got to see my students in person. Boy did I want to hug them! But we kept our distance and the families created a car pick up line to pick up their supplies. I wish you could have see the smile in their eyes. They couldn't believe the amount of supplies, just for them. I actually had a sibling ask for a bag too. Since a had a few extra items, I was able to give him a few things also.
With these supplies, students are writing in their journals and showing me their work on their cameras. It is very helpful to have their writing in one place. I have to say the white boards are the biggest help of all. In second grade, we do so much practicing writing, spelling and math problems, it is so nice not to waste the paper. Also, with the dry erase markers, I can see the students' work much better so it's easier for me too. I know it was very helpful to the families that did not have to go out and purchase all these supplies. I thank you again from all of us!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose 20th Anniversary Fund and 2 other donors.Learning on the Move
Funded Dec 11, 2019I wanted to surprise my students with the bouncy ball seats and bands so I inflated the balls before the students arrived to school one morning. They were so excited to see the brightly colored seats! Everyone wanted to try them right away. I explained that they were not toys but rather tools for their learning. I modeled how they were to be used appropriately and then let them try. Some kids wanted the bouncy bands on their desk legs and some on their chair legs. Everyone got something.
I have to say I notice the bouncy bands are making the biggest difference in our class. For the first few days, children who are normally easily distracted and fidgety were given a reminder to "Use your bouncy band". Now they use them without being reminded. I do see my most active and energetic students placing their feet on the bands and bouncing away WHILE WORKING. They are listening to directions and moving at the same time. It really works!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
Books Bring a Bounty of Knowledge
Funded Feb 7, 2017Thank you for your generous donation. With your donation, I was able to purchase a variety of books for my students. I ordered both grade 1 and 2 level books to accommodate all of my readers. I chose both fiction and non-fiction even though my students seem to be particularly interested in non-fiction this year.
We need fiction to practice retelling a story, a skill they will need throughout their schooling (or as I have taught them to believe, "all the way through college and for the rest of your lives"). I want my students to understand how important reading is and that college is in their future should they choose it. Through the Readers' Workshop model, my students have learned how to read non-fiction to actually teach themselves about a topic. They have learned the importance of text features, keeping notes, and asking for help to clarify understanding.
These books give my students the freedom to choose from a variety of books about an assortment of topics. Gone are the days of students being stuck reading one story per week that is of the teacher's choosing. Now, my students "book shop" once a week where they are allowed to pick a variety of books that are just right for them to read and enjoy for the week. Your generous donation has allowed this to happen so again, thank you very much.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
Lively Literacy Library
Funded Mar 6, 2016Dear Mr. Reardon,
I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation to my class. We are a second grade class in a high poverty neighborhood in Massachusetts. Many of my students do not have books at home so here are school they need to be exposed to as many different books as possible. I was looking to renovate and improve my classroom library and with your help I was able to buy over 100 books!
I purchased both fiction and non-fiction books on various reading levels. With these books, my students have been reading independently, partner reading and practicing new skills taught in small groups. We have even brought our new books to our kindergarten book buddies. So another class is benefitting from your donation as well.
When I explained how I was able to purchase new books for our library, my students were overwhelmed by a stranger's generosity. You are a fabulous example of "doing something nice for someone." It is great for my students to see. I hope that some day they will in fact, "pay if forward."”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
Get Down with Yoga in the Classroom
Funded May 20, 2015Thank you so much for the yoga mats. They are of great quality. The students have commented on how "soft and squishy" they are! My students are so excited to use them. They would actually love to do yoga daily if I could find the time. Currently we use them twice a week, but I am hoping to add a third day soon. Little do they know that my former students had to lay on the hard tile floor when practicing their yoga.
I notice a difference in my students on the days that we start our day with yoga. It is typically a quick 15 minute session but it truly does calm their bodies. They are able to sit longer and focus on their work. It truly is a win-win for all of us. I take pride in fostering a better sense of self-awareness in my students. They are proud to have strong bodies and minds. Even my girls want strong muscles with a goal of being fit and healthy.
Again, I thank you for your generous donation to my class and my 22 six and seven year old children who are already developing a love of yoga and physical fitness that I hope will last a lifetime.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
Radiant Readers
Funded Nov 17, 2013Thank you all very much for donating to my project titled "Radiant Readers". I absolutely love reading Charlotte's Web with my class every year. Every student is engaged as I read in my animal voices! Our library and literacy closet has a few copies but they are literally falling apart at the seams. As children are reading along, pages fall out or are completely missing.
This project is not only reading a book. Charlotte's Web is rich with vocabulary; especially considering I am reading a book set on a farm long ago to city kids in 2013. The main theme of friendship still holds true today. We write about the story elements and about friendship. We do crafts that go along with the book too.
I am so excited that each one of my students will have a book to read along with me! Funding this project truly means a lot of me. I could not afford to buy all of those beautiful books myself. Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
Sharpening the Minds of Tomorrow
Funded Sep 22, 2013I cannot thank you all enough for funding my project, "Sharpening the Minds of Tomorrow". I know that a pencil sharpener seems like a basic need in a classroom but unfortunately, the old (very old) hand crank pencil sharpener in my classroom is loud, disruptive to learners and mostly just chews the pencil on one side. I spend hundreds of dollars every year on crayons, pencils, folders, erasers and glue. These are just the basics we need to function everyday in second grade. In addition, because my classroom contains many English Language Learners I often purchase items throughout the year to enhance my students learning. For instance, this week we were reading about the desert. I went to the grocery store and purchased cactus fruits for everyone to see, feel, smell and taste.
For the past few years, I have been buying an electric pencil sharpener for $30-$40. These sharpeners do not even last the whole year! I wanted a good one but at some point I have to draw the line on spending money on my students when I have my own children at home. Your generous donations have allowed my class to have a new, working, QUIET pencil sharpener. It gives me more time with my students because I'm not having to spend precious minutes with many students throughout the day sharpening pencils. The students are less stressed because they don't have to worry about what they are going to do if their pencil breaks. They are writing and I am right there supporting and instructing instead of standing over the trash can sharpening pencils by hand.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Fahey
This classroom project was brought to life by NEA Foundation and 11 other donors.