Past projects 6
Art Enrichment
Funded Jan 6, 2017Thank you so much for your generous donations. Students have loved using the scholastic arts to learn more about different theme and artists. Students have been pushed to read at a higher level. The magazine has been a rigorous experience for my students. A challenging one but one that they have loved. When the students first got the magazines they were excited. Most had experience with scholastic news but never a scholastic arts magazine. The novelty of it was not lost. they were so excited. Since receiving this donation students have been extremely interested in exploring other artists and learning about the history and lives they have lived.
thank you again for making a difference in my classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Green
Help My Students See Their Art!
Funded Jul 7, 2016Dear Donors,
First off thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous gift. Your gift will be a central focal point within our school. Our students deserve to see their art work hanging. It is though this act of kindness that my students will have a greater appreciation for their friends and schoolmates hard work in art. The display board that you have helped purchase will allow for my students to reflect on their own artistic abilities as well as reflect on their peers work. Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Green
Art Journals For Success
Funded Apr 3, 2016Thank you for your generous gift! My students are going to be so thankful knowing that at the start of our school year in August, everyone one of them will receive one of these journals. We will use them throughout the entire school year. Students will have different prompts to complete with in the journal. We will do many self portraits with in it as well. This will help students to see their progress through out the year and help to keep all of their work in one place. It will also act as a time capsule for them to look back on for many years to come. This gift has allowed for me to plan my curriculum for next year that includes the use of these journals. I couldn't begin to thank you enough. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Green
This classroom project was brought to life by an anonymous donor and 2 other donors.Stools for Success
Funded Jan 5, 2016Thank you for giving my students the gift of inclusion. At my school, we get new students almost everyday. Where I work is a very transient community. Families come to our district for a few months then leave to go some place else. With this school climate, there are times in which i find myself with classes of 30-35 students in one room. With your gift of stools, I now have enough seats to accommodate 40 students if I ever needed to. Having a new student enter the art room is an amazing experience. The students might come from a strong art background, and find that the art room is the only thing in their lives right now that they feel safe in. I want every student to feel welcomed and safe and you have helped me to do that. I thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Green
Help Them See Their Reflection
Funded Oct 11, 2014The day the box arrived the students in the art room became so quiet. They knew this box held something special. My students knew by looking at me that this was something good. They all quietly stood around me as i carefully opened the giant box. As I opened the box the students began to see their own reflections within. They helped me to take out each mirror and unwrap them. We stopped working on the project at that moment and immediately began to use the self portrait mirrors. They were so focused on themselves. Looking and drawing and looking again and drawing more.
The mirrors have become a vital tool within our art room. Students act as if they have never seen themselves before when the mirrors entered our room. Now they are more comfortable with drawing not only themselves but also others.
The mirrors have enabled me to accurately teach and demonstrate to students how to correctly draw and create a proportional realistic portrait. Without the mirrors my students would have found this extremely difficult. They love when they have a free choice day as well. Thankfully I have enough mirrors for an entire class because it is the most popular choice.
Without your generous donations my students would never have been able to really see themselves in the art room.
Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Green
This classroom project was brought to life by an anonymous donor and 4 other donors.Points for Creativity
Funded Jan 25, 2014Working in a school district that still has a strong art program is hard to come by. That being said, it doesn't mean there is much funding. With your help you have given my students a piece of equipment that enables them to not only be more productive, but also something that shows them that someone they have never met cares about what they are doing.
My students are growing up in homes that are not as nurturing and positive as others, but this gift was able to remind them that there are great people in our world that do care. My classroom becomes a safe place for my students. My classroom has become a second home for students. With your help our home has been made better.
Our new pencil sharpener has made our drawing project a breeze. When you have 32 students in one class using colored pencil it can be difficult when something needs to be sharpened. However, our new hand help pencil sharpeners along with our great electric pencil sharpener has made everything transition much smoother.
Thank you again for helping my classroom. I hope you understand how much it is appreciated.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Green