Past projects 5
Even 1st Graders Need To Know Current Events
Funded Jul 25, 2012I am so incredibly excited that my students will be able to have access to these Scholastic Magazines. We were fortunate enough to have Weekly Reader magazines purchased through this same site last year and I loved exposing my students to new information about the world around them.
Appreciative doesn't even begin to express how I feel about your generosity. I am touched that you were willing to give your own money to help my students. Your gift makes it possible for me to be a better teacher! Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moss
The Sun Did Not Shine. It Was Too Wet to Play!
Funded Mar 12, 2012I cannot really express in words how much of a difference your donation to purchase these games for our classroom has made. With your donation, we received 8 different games for my students to play together. Many people are unaware how much of an impact playing games can make on how students communicate and learn to work together.
Teamwork is a very important part of the learning process. Playing these board games has helped my students learned to be part of a team. They have learned sharing skills and how to take turns. Like in many other situations, there have also been many opportunities for them to practice problem solving skills.
My students ask to play these games almost every day. Please know that your donation has provided materials that are being used every day by the hands of grateful children. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moss
Reading And Writing: The Building Blocks Of Learning Success
Funded Dec 5, 2011I have a daily responsibility to make sure my students are happy, safe, and enjoy their days at school. That is a great task to accomplish alone. You know, they say, "It takes a village to raise a child." I never realized how true that saying actually is, until now. It is programs like this that show me that much more can be accomplished with the help of others. With your help, my students have had the opportunity to learn how to play by the rules, how to share, and how to be a generous winner or a gracious loser. I hope you can see from the pictures I have uploaded how much your donations have made a difference in our classroom. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moss
Math Can Be Fun?
Funded Oct 12, 2011My students eagerly awaited as I unveiled the math games from the box they were shipped in. They listened intently as I explained the directions for the first three games they were able to use. I chose to only allow the students to use three games at a time. We have currently "opened" 9 of the 12 games in the kit. Every day, the kids ask to play the math games. They really become engaged in the games and I see their math skills improving greatly. The games have also provided the students with cooperative learning skills. They are learning to take turns and work through problems. I am able to use the games to reinforce skills we are learning in class and can also provide a "fun" way for students who are struggling to have extra opportunities to learn skills that have previously been taught.
The days in school place value chart has brought about even greater gains in my students' math learning. Each day, we add a new day to the place value chart. My students are learning about hundreds, tens, and ones. We are also learning to answer advanced word problems by applying higher level thinking skills.
Without the help you have provided with your funding, I know that my students would not have been this successful. From the bottom of my heart, I say, "Thanks!"”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moss
Careful Readers Are Better Readers
Funded Jul 10, 2011It is amazing how quickly the materials provided by the project you funded have improved the overall experiences my students have had in the classroom. The materials we received were Weekly Reader Magazine and Wikki Stix.
Each week, my students have the opportunity to read a different issue of Weekly Reader magazine. The themes for each issue are engaging to the students and they get excited to see what each new issue is about. Some of the themes we have studies so far this year have been hurricanes, pumpkins, and Johnny Appleseed. One of our favorite features is the web edition included with each subscription. Having access to this resources allows us to watch video clips and complete interactive activities.
We have been using the Wikki Stix during our centers. Students love using them to spell out their spelling words each week. They also love using the Stix to highlight words at the poem center. Each week, we focus on a different spelling pattern. Recognizing words with this pattern allows students to decode words and read complete poems. This contributes to their overall reading fluency and confidence.
I am extremely appreciative of your generous donations to my project. Your kindness has made a huge difference. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moss