We get to read a lot of very inspirational education quotes and lines while working here. Here's a handy collection you can impart to your students, and anyone else you might meet.

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give,” is a lesson Maya Angelou imparted to Oprah, and the rest of us too.

"Keep on beginning and failing" is the same wisdom that Anne Sullivan used to to help Helen Keller succeed. Pretty solid advice!

George Saunders, master of the short story, described the epic journey his writing professors carried him through in a recent issue of The New Yorker. It's one of the best stories of last year.

This quote from Gilmore Girls has been debated for years. Was it good advice?! In the larger pursuit of self-discovery and acting on that self-discovery, we think it was.

This is a great quote because it's true. Hip-hop education is everywhere, even if it's not always found in classrooms. The teachers who are using hip-hop look like they're doing great stuff though.

We'll never forget how revolutionary Nelson Mandela's approach was. His famous quote on how education is "the most powerful weapon" doesn't deserve to be forgotten either.

Ellen Burchett offered up this quote about teachers on Quora which we adapted into this poster. Her full post is a sprawling look at the profession, and well worth a read.

Our pal (and favorite Jedi) Mr. Andy wrote this about his students. Using his own love of Star Wars, he helps keep them active and engaged in everything that they do.

Isabel Allende's written some of the most important novels of her time, and her career serves as an inspiration to women around the world who express their creativity.

Danny DeVito narrates this line from the film Matilda, and it still applies to every child learning how to read.

Whether it's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day or not, there is no inappropriate day to remind yourself of his teachings.

A poem we got with a project submission last year, and now we pass on to you.

And finally, a mathematical examination of how one student rolls—according to their thank you note. It's also how we all roll.