Abby loved school. She loved her teachers and her friends in class. She only made it to fourth grade but she made an impact on so many. She loved to read. She loved art and was becoming quite good. She earned some special recognitions for some of her work. This is a girl who would pick flowers for her teachers. Skip to the bus stop. Let's spread Abby's Light by helping other students enjoy their school experience as much as Abby did.
Thank you so much for your generous donation. My students and I are humbled by your contribution to our classroom. With your donation, I have purchased many science and math materials. We have been using these materials almost every day. The past few weeks, our class has been learning about two and three dimensional shapes. These materials have enabled students to build and create projects with shapes. Having these hands-on materials gives students a concrete understanding of this concept. Students are also improving their communication skills by explaining their projects to classmates.
My students were very excited to see the materials arrive in our classroom. My students were thrilled to hear these materials were purchased as gifts for them to learn with. It was like Christmas in September. It is wonderful for them to know people in their community care about them and want them to be successful.
Students will continue to use these materials to expand their knowledge of building, shapes, structure and problem solving. These are all skills students can apply to future learning. For example, students work in groups to build a challenge task. They discuss, plan, problem solve and create.”
My students absolutely LOVE the materials! They go crazy for them! I am consistently amazed at their creativity and imaginations! The different structures and objects they build get better and more complex with each time they use the materials. Students run up to me every day, tell me they have Science today (or exactly which other day that week) and that they can't wait to go!
One of the best benefits of these materials is the collaboration between students it inspires. I hear students tell each other, "Let's build a ______ together!" Elementary aged children are just beginning to learn teamwork skills, sharing, and how to work together. It is a skill that they must learn by doing. I like to challenge them to build a structure together as a team.
Another benefit is they are learning perseverance, to never give up. If they build a structure, and it falls or doesn't quite fit right, they are learning to notice what is wrong, rebuild it and try the procedure again. These are imperative life skills to learn as they grow older. Not to mention, this is also a crucial part of the engineering design process!
I started this school year with barely any engineering supplies for my students. Now, my classroom has been transformed into a creative, productive, energetic space!
I am incredibly grateful for your generosity. My students couldn't be more happy for the opportunity you have helped provide for them!”
It was so gratifying to see the excitement and curiosity on my new students' faces as they entered my classroom during the first few days of school and spotted our wetland! Their interests were sparked, and the learning bug had bitten! Everyday, my students wonder new things about how the wetland works, what animals live there, and how the water cycle happens. I can't wait to dive into these discussions and learning opportunities with them!
Each student in my classroom has a job, and one student each week gets to be the "Wetlands Watcher". Each morning, the Wetlands Watcher makes sure that all of the props (model houses, people, rocks, and wood) are in their rightful places. Sometimes I add features for them to notice such as a turtle shell, and their curiosity is sparked all over again. As we get into our units on nature and the outdoors, we will activate the wetland and discuss the causes and effects of the different elements.
This project has boosted my students' learning and understanding by giving them a hands-on model that they can see, touch, smell, and wonder about. As they pose questions, we will address them and use the wetland through our learning process. Thank you so much for your contribution to this project! Your support is recognized daily in my classroom!”
I want to personally thank each of you for your donation to our cause, From Classroom to Barnyard. The supplies that we were able to purchase from your donation allow us to continue to work with horses using equipment that is safe and not worn out.
Through this program the students have been able to build self-confidence, learn to trust in others, learn teamwork, and a bonus has been horsemanship skills. The students have also helped to build fence, tear down fence, muck stalls, and have ownership of a horse.
Through donations such as yours we are able to continue this project. We now have 35 students receiving equine therapy each week. These students have increased their academics and decreased their behavioral issues while enrolled in this program.”
I can't fully express my joy, excitement, and gratitude for your donation to my project. It is so exciting to know that my students and my future students will have this wonderful opportunity to experience the subject of Science. My students will be able to expand their knowledge in this field by being inquisitive, kinesthetic and passionate learners.
The tools that you have funded will enable students to participate in "hands-on" learning. They will be able to answer many of their own questions about science through the use of magnifying glasses, life-science learning materials, cylinders, measuring instruments and more.
Thank you again for this kind and generous gift to a very special class of five and six year old students. My students are very caring towards each other and this year is dedicated to life long learning. Your gift will make a huge difference in our learning community.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Magnus
This classroom project was brought to life by UPS Foundation and 2 other donors.
Thank you so much for the money you contributed to my project. This means a lot to me, but most importantly my students. A project like this will forever be with these students as they progress to their professional careers. The students will be so excited to know that this project is coming to life. Not only will my students benefit from the project, but the entire school will be involved when we broadcast our experience. Thanks again. I will contact all of you personally with updates on this project.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Arbuckle Jr.
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