Catching Up With Chromebooks!

Funded Mar 18, 2015

There are not enough words to describe the impact your donation has made in our classroom. The access to Chromebooks have helped students build their writing, reading, and academic skills. As we read To Kill a Mockingbird, students tracked characterization in an online document, they wrote a paper that analyzed theme, and utilized the internet to research and respond to critical analysis pieces.

Students have become so much more independent and organized! No longer are worksheets and writings left behind, instead students log on to their google account, open up their assignments, and get to work! I no longer hear, "Miss, I lost that" instead I am able to track their analysis and give them real-time, around the clock feedback on their writings.

When I asked students what they liked most about the Chromebooks I heard about how organized they felt, how they felt like better writers, and how they now loved GRAMMAR! They have really enjoyed looking up"grammar fails" as they strengthen their own writing.

I have watched as my students gained both technological and academic confidence. My students are now really apart of the digital world and I could not be more grateful. Thank you again for helping us build our 21st Century skills!”

With gratitude,

Ms. King