Past projects 6
Imagine Reading with Scholastic Magazine
Funded May 31, 2013This project has given students the opportunities to read relevant and engaging texts. With the texts in Scholastic Scope students have learned author's purpose, text structures, features of text, reading skills, and how to write in response to reading. The debate section has led to vivacious conversations and debates. It also also helped students learn the craft of writing an argumentative essay. The magazine also promotes reading paired texts and teaching students how to analyze across texts to deepen understanding. The students truly look forward to seeing the new edition arrive each month. Thank you for your donations and support of providing students with a wide range of literary experiences.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holloway
Funded Jan 12, 2013My students have become reading detectives! Without your generous donations, my students did not have an opportunity to use their reading skills to investigate a story. We learned the characteristics of the mystery genre and discovered them in our own books. While reading students found clues and made inferences to uncover the truth.
With limited budgets, the need for books often gets overlooked. Your donation has created a mystery section in my classroom library and helped some students discover a love of reading. Your impact will last longer than this year as a new group of students prepare to enter sixth grade.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holloway
Level Up: Improving Reading with Leveled Non-Fiction Books
Funded Oct 9, 2012Your generostiy has given my students the opportunity to read engaging non-fiction books appropriate for their levels. With over a hundred students, my classes have a wide range of reading levels and interests. The leveled non-fiction reading set your donations purchased put "just right books" in the hands of students. They were able to take reading skills and strategies learned in our informational texts workshop unit and apply them to their own independent reading. Your impact will reach my current students and future sixth graders.
I appreciate your support in my efforts to improve literacy for adolescent readers. Too often, middle school students are overlooked in their need for literacy instruction and reading selections.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holloway
This classroom project was brought to life by Kia Motors America and 6 other donors.A Novel Idea: Graphic Novels to Improve Reading Skills
Funded Oct 26, 2012The graphic novels purchased through your donations have helped foster a love of reading with my students. I am fortunate to have a diverse student population among my classes. Graphic novels are popular with my English Language Learners and Exceptional Education students. These books provide them a visual and textual experience that mirrors the novels in their peers' hands. Beyond those students, some of my reluctant readers have picked up a graphic novel "just to see what all the fuss was about" and found themselves enjoying reading.
I appreciate your support in my efforts to create a balanced classroom library for my adolescent readers. Many of my adolescents become disengaged or avoid reading during middle school; however, graphic novels serve as a tool to bring them back into reading. I have also used the graphic novels as an enrichment tool to discuss the similarities and differences between the novel and the graphic version. While I am a teacher of reading, I am also a guide for students to find the joys of reading.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holloway
This classroom project was brought to life by NEA Foundation and 4 other donors.Read, Click, Zoom
Funded May 10, 2012I am grateful for your donations. The digital cameras give my students an engaging way to share their reading experiences. Students are excited to read a book, click record, and zoom in on book talks. Not only will we use the cameras to talk about books, but also create our own book trailers to demonstrate our understanding of the book. This gives each student an opportunity to learn 21st century technology skills in producing digital book talks and book trailers.
With a limited amount of funding for classroom use, my students would not have the materials to create digital book talks or trailers. Your generosity will impact students this year and for years to come. Donors like you keep students moving forward.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holloway
Poetry Power : Strengthen Literacy With Poetry In Library
Funded Dec 20, 2011Your donations have made a tremendous impact on my students. They had the opportunity to read various forms of poetry by different authors. Students enjoyed the playfulness of poetry while learning about figurative language and sound devices. These books were effective tools as mentor texts as they composed their own poems. Students reviewed poets' work to plan structure, content, and sounds of their poems. We will be presenting our poems this quarter. The poetry books have been added to our classroom library for students to enjoy throughout the year and for years to come. The power of poetry is now in students' hands.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Holloway