Science Inquiry Through Blogging: With A Non Fiction Emphasis
My students need interactive, scientific tools that will support them in becoming keen observers through an inquiry based approach to understanding non-fiction topics.
$1,033 goal
This project expired on December 13, 2012.
This project expired on December 13, 2012.
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As a Kindergarten teacher I'm faced with reduced spending each year due to cut backs and the economy. I'm seeking funds that will support my students in becoming keen observers who will develop a desire to ask questions about what they explore and experience in the natural world.
My students are an enthusiastic group of 5 and 6 year old people who care about each other and the world.
The students attend a public school in Vermont. They are inquisitive, curious, energetic and genuinely interested in making connections and observations as well as interacting with what they learn. They explore the natural world quite often. Through their observations and discoveries they reflect, share, collaborate and interact with a variety of technologies. My students each have a kidblog that they use for documenting their scientific understandings through an inquiry based approach. They have a natural ability to create and design their understandings of what they see, hear and touch. The energy is exciting and motivating for all. This excitement is genuine and comes from their ability to make connections easily and their willingness to take risks to share their discoveries. My students love school, but most importantly they love to learn.
My Project
One of the challenges that I face as a Kindergarten teacher is time. I'm constantly looking for ways to incorporate science throughout the day. This project will provide science tools that will support the children in deepening their understanding of scientific topics. Science is everywhere and I worry that with more emphasis on other subject areas that scientific exploration gets lost or is not given enough time.
I am asking for non-fiction books, magnifying glasses,a butterfly net with live larva and a special camera to enhance our discoveries. These tools are important because they give children an opportunity to design and create their ideas using an inquiry based model.The tools will help my students not only become more confident scientists, but they will become comfortable using technological tools that encourage collaboration and interaction with others. This will also support all learners. All children will have equal access to the science topics we explore
I feel so fortunate to be teaching Kindergarten.
I'm passionate about learning and making a difference for others. I want all my students to not only be successful, but to love to learn and have an interest in the natural world. I have a unique opportunity to educate, expose and share the importance of what resources we have available in the natural world as well as the importance of how to take care of these resources. My students will be exposed to these ideas through an inquiry based model.
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As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. This classroom request for funding was created by Mrs. Davison and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team.