Past projects 13
Ability Awareness for Kindergarteners
Funded Apr 17, 2019Thank you so much for your generous donation to my kindergarten classroom! I am so grateful for your amazing support! My students were so excited when the boxes full of new materials arrived! We started using them right away!
My students and I absolutely love the new books. I read the books aloud to my class to teach them about different disabilities and we learned so much. I plan to read these books to my students every year. My students have even enjoyed looking through the books on their own during independent reading time.
My students have been so excited by the new dolls as well! The dolls came with lots of different equipment to teach us about varying abilities. My students have used the dolls with the wheelchair, leg braces, glasses, hearing aides, etc. The guide dog was especially popular and my class was so interested in learning more about how guide dogs can help someone who is visually impaired that after playing with the toys we invited in a guest speaker who was blind to introduce us to her real guide dog.
These books and toys are making a real difference in my classroom, and I wish every classroom had access to diverse toys and books like these. My students are becoming more empathetic to others and are learning important life lessons with these new classroom materials- all thanks to your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 9 other donors.Appreciating Diversity in Kindergarten
Funded Jul 18, 2017Thank you so much for your donations to my kindergarten classroom! My students and I truly appreciate it! Your support of my classroom has meant so much. We were so excited to open up the boxes of new supplies that got sent to our classroom! All of the new books are wonderful. I love having a diverse selection of multicultural books to share with my kindergarten students. Now we have new books about kids from all different cultures and backgrounds. I love reading the books out loud to the class, and the kids also love looking at the books on their own as well.
The students and I were also thrilled to receive the new toys! They have been getting a lot of use each day in my classroom. The students love to play with the diverse people toys. The students have noticed that the toys depict families from several different cultures, including some with disabilities. This is helping my students as they become open-minded and tolerant young people. These toys they are the perfect addition to our block area.
Thank you for your support of my kindergarten classroom. These books and toys will not only get plenty of use this year, but will also continue to be enjoyed by each kindergarten class I have in the years to come. Your donations are very much appreciated!”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and one other donor.Help My Kindergartners Learn to Read!
Funded Sep 6, 2012Thank you for your generous donation to my classroom! It was so exciting to receive all of our brand new books. We absolutely love reading them!
My kindergarten students have been having a wonderful time learning to read with all of our new books. Your donation added 80 new books to our classroom! All of our new books have been carefully leveled so that they are just right for kindergarten age students who are beginning readers. The books cover all sorts of topics so that my students are able to find books that match their interests. The students are so proud that they are able to read these books on their own! My students are not only enjoying reading, but getting the valuable reading practice each day that will help them become better readers. I am thrilled to see my young students become such avid readers and really developing a love of reading.
These new books have given my kindergarten students endless hours of enjoyable reading and learning. I am so thankful that these books will benefit not only my current students, but will also be a part of my classroom for years to come so that many more children in the future will get to enjoy reading them. Thank you for thinking of my kindergarten students-you have truly helped to enrich their kindergarten experience!”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
Kindergarten Marketplace
Funded Dec 14, 2011Thank you for your generous donation to my classroom! It was so exciting for my students and I to receive our brand new play center. We absolutely love it!
My kindergarten students have been having the most wonderful time playing with our new play center! They love pretending it is a little grocery store or farmer's market. Soon we will even turn it into a lemonade stand. The students are getting lots of math practice as they count out what they want to buy at our play center and they add up how much of our "play money" they will need to spend. My students are having so much fun they hardly realize they are learning important math skills as they play. We have also been sneaking in some great literacy skills as my students write out receipts for the customers at the pretend store.
This new play center has given my students endless hours of creative fun and learning! I am so thankful that this play center will benefit not only my current students but will be a part of my classroom for years to come and that many students in the future will also get the chance to use and enjoy it. Thank you for thinking of my students-you have truly helped to enrich their kindergarten experience!”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
Learning Math Can Be Fun!
Funded Dec 9, 2011Thank you so much for donating to this project! Your generous donation has made such a difference in my classroom. My students and I are so thankful to have so many new materials to use! It was amazing to receive a huge box of four new math games in the mail! The new math materials are unbelievable-and they are certainly getting lots of use this year in my classroom. I'm thankful that these wonderful math materials will last for years to come and impact not just my current class, but many classes of kindergarteners in the future.
My kindergarten students have been busy all year learning different math skills and they were so excited to receive these new math games. Now my students are able to practice their math skills in a fun way as they use these games. They love measuring how much different objects weigh using the new scale we received. They also have been doing a great job measuring and comparing the length of different objects with our new measuring set.
The cute strawberry and elephant counting games have been a hit too! Numbers and counting are such important skills to learn in kindergarten. My students hardly realize they're learning to count and recognize numbers when they're playing these neat new games!
Thank you providing these wonderful materials for my classroom. With all of our new math games I am able to engage my students in math in an exciting and hands-on way, and show my students that learning math truly can be fun! Your donation is helping my young students get a solid foundation in math and start their education off the right way!
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
Crafty Kindergarten Kids Need Your Help!
Funded Dec 23, 2010Thank you so much for your generous donation. I feel so lucky to have all of these new materials to use in my classroom. I have such a creative group of kindergarteners this year, so our new supplies were put to use the second they arrived at the classroom door! My young artists can't believe all of the neat new colors of construction paper we have now. They just love cutting, gluing, and drawing all over the paper to make their creative little projects! Of course, my favorite items are probably the paper storage shelf (which helps me keep all of that paper organized) and the drying racks. Now when we make an art project, I can neatly lay all of the projects on the racks to dry, instead of having them take up precious table and floor space. Please know that you have made a difference in my classroom and that I appreciate your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
We're Ready for Reading!
Funded Dec 23, 2010Thank you so much for your generous donation to my classroom. It was amazing to receive a huge box full of supplies for teaching reading! All of the new materials have been so much fun to try out. By far the most popular item is the letter beads. My students love to string the beads together to practice making words. They are also really enjoying using the foam letters and wikki stix to make words. These great hands-on materials are perfect for kindergarteners! I also love the highlighter tape and use it daily with my students to highlight words and spelling patterns in our big books. The 26 little alphabet books (one for each letter of the alphabet) are at the perfect reading level for my students - and they are so proud to be able to read these books all on their own! These new literacy materials are motivating my students to keep working hard to learn how to read. I am truly grateful for your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
Kindergarten Readers Need Your Help!
Funded Sep 3, 2010I can't thank you enough for your generosity! With your donations, my class now has a wonderful new set of books.
It was so exciting to receive over 50 new books for my students to read! The Alpha Tales series of books is great since it has a different book for each letter of the alphabet. My students love listening to me read them the stories. The stories are so fun and engaging that my students enjoy reading the books over and over again. My students also get great practice learning the letters and sounds with these books.
Reading is such an important skill, and with your help, my students are getting a good foundation in kindergarten! Thank you for helping to spark a love of reading in my young students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
Young Artists Need Your Help!
Funded May 21, 2010Thank you so much for your generous donation to my classroom! I have such a great group of kindergarteners this year, and with our new art materials I can really nurture their creativity!
The new art easel is amazing! Our art center is now in high demand- and since the easel has 2 sides-I can have 2 students painting at once. The shelf below the easel is also great for storing and organizing our art supplies. The kids can't believe all of the choices they have now between the new colors of paint and the wide selection of paintbrushes! They love experimenting with using both the fine-tipped paintbrushes and the wide-tipped brushes. As a kindergarten teacher-my favorite new item is probably the "no spill" paint cups. An art center can be messy-but with the specials paint cups I'm assured the paint will stay where it belongs and not end up all over my classroom's floor!
I'm really amazed at how my students artistic abilities are improving now that we have these new materials. The more they paint, the more elaborate and detailed their paintings become! Thank you for supporting all of my little artists!”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.
Support Young Scientists!
Funded Jun 15, 2010Thank you so much for your generous donations! It was so exciting to receive all of the new science materials in the mail. I've always loved teaching science, and now my students have so many fun choices when it comes to doing science experiments.
By far the most popular of our new science materials is the "sink or float center." It came with a tub you can fill with water, and all sorts of neat objects to test. My students love predicting whether an object will sink or float and then testing to find out. They especially love the little boats that came with this center since they can experiment with how many objects will fit onto the boats before they sink.
The magnifying glasses and sorting center have also been a wonderful resource. My students have been surprised at how different an object looks close up under a magnifying glass. We've even brought the magnifying glasses outside to investigate objects in nature. The sorting center has helped my students to learn how to compare and contrast objects-an important science skill in kindergarten. They enjoy sorting the objects into groups by whether they are hard/soft, heavy/light, rough/smooth, etc.
The magnetic wands and magnet board have also made for a fun science investigation center in our classroom. Students are often surprised to find out which objects they can pick up with the magnetic wands and which objects are not magnetic. Truly all of these fun science materials have served their purpose as my students all tell me now how much they love science and how much fun it is. Thank you for everything you have done to support my young scientists!”
With gratitude,
Ms. L.