Past projects 15
Environmental Literacy for All!
Funded Aug 4, 2019I want to thank you once again for your generous donations that allowed me to be present at the NGSS Rollout #6. It was such a great conference, covering the NGSS science standards and the California Environmental Principles and Concepts. We had hands on learning, videos, and deep dives into curriculum writing.
The highlight for me was putting together a full lesson that spanned the full NGSS (all three dimensions!) and then tied everything thing up by also meeting several of the CA Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&Cs). After being guided through the step by step process I feel even more empowered to create and expand on my existing curriculum. I can't wait to share some of this information with my students.
One thing I will definitely be incorporating into my classroom right away is curriculum which fulfills the EP&Cs. As we all know, the environment affects us all. It is so important that our students be introduced to science curriculum that is relevant to their neighborhoods and local environments.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
This classroom project was brought to life by Yellow Chair Foundation and 9 other donors.Help Lower Our Microscope Ratio!
Funded Aug 14, 2018I apologize for the tardiness of this thank you. We started the school year using a different sequence and so we only recently really got to use our new microscopes! It was such a joy to have easy to focus microscopes while looking at our very own cheek cells! The students were so excited by the idea of being able to see something that they had never seen before. It was so amazing to watch them figure out how to make a slide and focus in on it all by themselves. Every time they discover something new, it is another opportunity to hook a future scientist. When I look at my students I see all the possibilities laying out before them and I hope I am giving them the tools and experiences to help them choose an awesome future. Thank you so much for believing in my project and my students. We are so grateful for the generous donations that are enabling us to fully appreciate all science has to offer.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
Real Scientists Need Real Microscopes
Funded Apr 28, 2018I received these materials at the close of last year. My students from last year were super excited for this year's students because they knew how frustrating it was to have to share so many out of date microscopes. This year I was able to get out the scopes on the third week of school! At the request of students, I pulled them out because they wanted to know if they could see the molecules of water. They were so excited to look at the water under the microscope! Some were even able to see small bacteria in the water. Some students exclaimed that it was the first time they had ever been able to use a microscope. A couple of students told me this was the first real life microscope they had ever seen! I can't wait to provide these microscopes over and over for my students as they unravel the mysteries of science. Thank you for helping me give my students this wonderful experience. We will think of your generosity every time we use them!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
Plug Us In! We Need Technology Everyday!
Funded May 30, 2017Thank you so much for our new Chromebooks! The students and I were so excited to receive them. We are thrilled at having our own two Chromebooks that we don't have to check back into the computer room each night. They are helpful for so many tasks. First, we are super excited to be able to log into our Class Dojo classroom stories. Students can use the computer when they have a few free minutes to update their story. Second, they make doing the "watch it" portions of our lab station tasks so easy. Students log in and watch the video quickly and easily. Extra computers mean no waiting around! Third, our Chromebooks sit out on the counter ready and waiting to help with simple tasks such as; finding the correct spelling of a word, or a synonym, or a translation for our second language learners. We can easily access information on the online encyclopedias, assignments in Google classroom, or video from science websites. All of these amazing things are made possible by you! Your kindness and generosity help me make a difference in the lives of my students everyday and for that I am forever in your debt.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
Owl Hope You Help Us!
Funded Mar 6, 2017Thank you so much for your generous donations that made our owl pellet lab possible. The students were hesitant at touching the pellets at first, but as soon as they saw the first bone their eyes lit up. Suddenly they forgot all about their fears and dug into the owl pellets. It was exciting to watch them uncover rodent and bird skulls, hipbones and tailbones. They were amazed by the variety in each pellet. They worked diligently the entire class period, painstakingly removing fur from the bones. Over and over I was asked, "Can we do this everyday?"
This is the power of hands on science that you were able to help me provide. Students are so inspired by these types of experiences. Who knows what kinds of inspiration we are providing? This lab could inspire the next biologist, the next doctor, or the next naturalist. Thank you for helping me unlock the potential in every student. We are all so grateful to you for your help!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
Let's Get Techy!
Funded Nov 23, 2016Thank you so very much for your generous donations that enabled my classroom to receive three iPads. The students were so excited to see them! While we do have access to technology at our school, our computers are shared with others and often not available when we need them. Occasionally computers are pulled for weeks during testing periods and for other reasons. For these reasons, having three iPads at our disposal at all times is so helpful!
We have been able to pull them out for all kinds of things. The kids use them for tracking stories on Class Dojo. We used one for a stand in for a computer when one of our computers was out for repair. Kids use them at lunch to help with research and practice math skills. iPads are used during class to support research, spelling, and to log in to Google Classroom. We are so thankful to be able to have the privilege to access technology at any time.
Once again thank you for your generosity and your trust in me to use your hard earned money in a way that can truly benefit my students. We are extremely grateful and excited for the opportunity to use this technology to continue to push our learning forward.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
New Year, New Books!
Funded Aug 19, 2015I would like to thank you all for your generous contributions to our project. When the books began to arrive the students were so happy! They eagerly awaited for me to catalog them so they could check them out. We began reading 15 minutes everyday in my English classes. I can tell that the students really look forward to this time. We have been keeping track of our novels as well and some students have already read over ten novels!
These books were even more needed than I originally had thought. Our librarian took a new position and our school library remained closed all through September. Even now, at the end of October, the library is only open for 2 hours after school. Having the books you donated in the classroom library makes it easy for my students to easily access reading material. They know they can check a new book out before class, at lunch, or after school.
I can already see some changes in my students due to their increased reading. Vocabulary is on the rise. I see and hear my students using new words all the time. Students are talking to each other about their novels and swapping books. Then I hear them discussing the plots and the things they like about each. Its rewarding to read along with them and participate in the book swaps and the book talks. We all look forward to the last few minutes of class when a student or two will advertise their latest reading choices. Thank you so much for making all of this possible. You are my heroes.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
Building the Love of Reading
Funded Sep 16, 2014My students were so excited when the books you purchased began arriving! They were hopping in their seats; they were so excited. Our little class library tripled in size, making it easier for the students to check out more than one book. They also had more choices on what to read. I saw an increase in reading immediately.
My students are required to read 5 books per term in addition to our in-class novels. These books are perfect for that assignment. They are easy for the students to access, check out and return. This is important because our school library is only open 2.5 days per week. With these books in the class library, the students always have access to interesting novels.
Research has proven time and again that reading is one of the best ways to build vocabulary, improve writing skills, and build reading fluency. As my students read more often, I am already noticing improved performance during class. They are using the new words they learn in their writing and they are learning how to weave better stories of their own.
We thank you so much for donating to our class! I am so grateful that you chose us as the recipients for your donation!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
We've Consumed Our Consumables!
Funded Oct 19, 2013Thank you so much for trusting me with your hard earned money. Finding money for consumables is the hardest part of any science program. The supplies purchased have been used by so many of the children at my school. I wish you could have seen their faces light up when they picked apart an owl pellet or when they managed to light up a circuit for the first time. The kindergartners were delighted with the magnetic wands and wanted to use them every day. Each experiment they do enhances their learning and increases their curiosity. We recently put some of the supplies into rotation at our very first science night. Your generosity was one of the reasons we were able to afford to host this wonderful night. It was amazing to see the children explaining their science learning to their parents. Over 65 students brought their families out to do science and discover amazing things. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to make these things possible. I will not forget your generosity and neither will my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland
Kindergarten Scientists!
Funded Sep 16, 2013My Kindergarten students were so excited to receive the new books! We had to get them out right away. We've already started kicking off each unit and many lessons with one of our great new books from Donor's Choose. The students are so eager to sit on the carpet and listen carefully to each new book. In the pictures you can see them eagerly pointing at the amazing photographs and illustrations in each book. The books interest them and motivate them to learn more.
Since we began using the books with our lessons I have noticed increased motivation, interest, and participation. The photographs and illustrations help provide more understanding of the concepts we are covering. The stories and information build upon the information we gain from our experiments and inquiry activities, providing even greater understanding.
Thank you so much for your generous donations that made this project possible. We will think of you each time we open one of our new fabulous science books.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Hetland