From October 15th - November 5th, The Contemplative Mammoth is teaming up with other science bloggers and Donors Choose to bring desperately-needed supplies to science classrooms. Please support our efforts by donating to a project of your choice - I've highlighted a few, or you can pick one of your own. These projects only have a limited time to be funded, so don't wait until the next ice age to make a donation! Let's help make sure that these kids have the chance to love science, ... more
From October 15th - November 5th, The Contemplative Mammoth is teaming up with other science bloggers and Donors Choose to bring desperately-needed supplies to science classrooms. Please support our efforts by donating to a project of your choice - I've highlighted a few, or you can pick one of your own. These projects only have a limited time to be funded, so don't wait until the next ice age to make a donation! Let's help make sure that these kids have the chance to love science, so they can go on to be smart citizens, or maybe even scientists themselves! hide
Our students are profoundly grateful for your support and honored to have the chance to study plants and grow indoor gardens. As you know, our students live in high-poverty neighborhoods and for most, this is their only access to hands-on science experiments and gardening projects. Their enthusiasm for our classroom garden has reminded me how important inspiration and excitement is in the learning process. It means everything!
The supplies that you funded went towards creating 6 different ecological terrarium habitats - from desert to tropical (and all level in between). The students designed, assembled, and now are maintaining the terrariums with passion and enthusiasm. They are also currently growing seedlings for our outdoor flower and vegetable to be planted outside our cafeteria this spring and we plan to incorporate their home-grown cool season crops into their lunch menu. Lastly, they grew their own strawberries in class and examined DNA strands that they extracted from the cells.
A large part of their excitement is because they took ownership of their creations - from start to finish; they are invested in the data they collect and energized to compare results and analyze outcomes because they hold "stake" in the process. They're not just growing plants, they're growing critical thinking skills and scientifically rigorous analytical skills, as well as pride in their work.
It is great to see you that you share my vision for reaching children by helping them to achieve great things. My children may live in a low-income area, but they have potential that greatly exceeds their limited resources. Together, we dream big!
Where do I begin? I am overjoyed at the fascination my students are showing when viewing specimens through our new microscopes. I feel so inadequate to answer all their questions! They are asking fantastic, thoughtful, questions about animal structures, cell structure, human anatomy, the crystalline structure of minerals and rocks; the list is endless! We have only touched the tip of the iceberg with what I have just named.
My 7th graders are studying life science and they have seen their very own cheek cells! They are now so adept at using the microscopes that I no longer have to help each pair of students FIND their I am circling the room wildly because they want to SHOW me every little image they see. "Wow!" is the common word when the microscopes are out!
My 8th graders are studying Earth Science and they have examined mineral structure, all the different types of rock and soils, water samples for microscopic parasites, and many other things.
Sixth graders have used the microscopes to view everyday items up close, but most of all, they are getting accustomed to the microscope parts and what this tool of the scientist is used for.
I am indebted to generous people such as yourselves because you have given me a set of easy to use, sturdy microscopes to reawaken the natural curiosity of ALL my students. This gift will continue to give for YEARS to come! Thank you so very much!”
I cannot thank you enough for your generosity! My students are now able use the lab aprons and first aid kit that was purchased. We have been testing acidic and basic solutions and determining if reactions are chemical or physical... protected from any chemical spills.
Many activities could not have taken place in our classroom without the use of this safety equipment. The First Aid kit is now easily accessible. Students will hot have to be sent to the office for simple first aid needs.
The math centers that you helped fund have been a great resource for my children in our classroom. We use these centers daily to learn numbers, values and counting. The children have been so excited to use them and ask all day, "When we will be going into math centers to play?" These centers have helped to make learning fun which I feel is so important at this age.
Right now our school has no funding for extra materials. Thanks to all of you these under privileged children have been given tools they would not have normally been given. These centers will be used for years to come!
Once again, I thank you for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. T.
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