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Uncertain Principles Challenge 2009

Part of: Seed Media Science Blogs
  • $8,831raised
  • 24projects funded
  • 22schools served
  • 24teachers supported
Emmy badly wants you to donate to one of the projects below. And don't you want to make her happy?
  • Kindergartners are Tech Savvy, Too!

    Funded Dec 9, 2009

    Thank you so much for thinking of and supporting my Kindergartners! The projector you provided brings us together daily to share literacy and mathematics games, online short stories, emails with our volunteers, and video, music and pictures of current areas of study.

    The projector was an instant hit with the children. I had it set up when the children returned from specials. The lights were out. When I flicked the power switch, their eyes lit up. The projection was of one of their favorite literacy games. Usually, they have to play the game in pairs because there just isn't room for more than two or three scholars to see the monitor. This time, they did take turns on the laptop and everyone else could still interact with what was on the big screen! When they are engaged like this, they take in the objective and learn without realizing the work they are putting into it. It was such an easy lesson!

    This past week, we invited the other kindergarten classes in to relive our Zoo field trip. This was especially useful because everyone had different experiences at each exhibit and the projector facilitated sharing and learning from one another.

    Thank you, again, for giving my little scholars access to technology that otherwise is very limited in our school. My children feel special that someone thought of them and their potential which is, perhaps, an even greater gift. Thank you.”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. M.

  • Inquiring Minds Want To Know!

    Funded Dec 3, 2009

    Thank you all for your generous donations that allowed me to increase the number of Vernier Dataloggers and temperature probes available for my Regents Chemistry classes to use. With your donations, I was able to allow my students to work in pairs using the equipment, which let every student actively participate in the activity. Before your donations, the students would have had to work in groups of up to four or five which limits the amount of hands-on learning each student gets to do. By being able to actively work with the dataloggers, my students have been exposed to technology that will be commonplace in their future education and work environments.

    Your donations also allowed me to have an interesting dialog with my students about individuals, generosity and responsibility for others in society. Many of them had a hard time believing that people would donate money to purchase things for them to use without ever knowing who we are, and without us knowing who you are. It was fun to watch their demeanor as those thoughts and ideas sunk into their consciousness. Thank you for allowing me to bring this understanding to my urban students!”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Courtney

    This classroom project was brought to life by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and 11 other donors.
  • A Graphing or a Scientific Calculator - Student's Best Friend

    Funded Dec 2, 2009

    I have recently asked for student feedback including the hardest thing they had learned this year, and whether or not the students think what they learn in this class is important.One of the students wrote that the activity she remembers the most was the exploration with a graphing calculator with M&M's - where the graphing calculator was used to plot data, graph exponential functions and find an equation that fit the data. Another student wrote that he loved the class because we did a lot of interesting things, and the hardest thing was using a graphing calculator.

    I believe that using technology increases self-efficacy, and thanks to you, it was possible to make mathematics fun, accessible, and in may cases, come alive (visually) on the screen of the graphing calculator. We wouldn't be where we are today without your help.”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Shkolnik

  • Inspire Young Women in Science!

    Funded Oct 9, 2009

    On behalf of young women in science, I thank you for your generous donation of lab stools that allow my students to feel like "real scientists" everyday. I teach at a school where over 90% of the students are on free or reduced lunch plans, meaning that they come from very poor households. It is the school's goal to make sure these kids get to college, and realize their dreams and those of their families. Undoubtedly, it is an ambitious goal with the population we are serving -- but donations like yours make it more and more possible.

    Finally, as you know, your donation has gone to an all-girls school, and not only is the school itself better off for it, but also the scientific world at large. Female involvement in the scientific community is essential, and donations like yours, impacting young women at such an early age, insure that our scientific community will be in safe and capable hands for years to come.

    Thank you!!!”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Chakrabarti

  • "Live & Digital Dissections"

    Funded Nov 25, 2009

    Thank you so much for funding this project. We have done our worm dissection, I used the camera in the front of the room and projected it so all students could watch me set up and start the dissection. They were all able to follow the procedures and we started the dissection together all working in sync thanks to document camera. The students thought it was great and can't wait for the frog dissection. We have been using the camera all the time to demonstrate and model lab procedures and it's working great, we will send some pictures after our frog dissection.

    Thanks so much”

    With gratitude,

    Mr. Brigham

    This classroom project was brought to life by Korein Foundation and 2 other donors.
  • Power of Science

    Funded Oct 6, 2009

    Thank you so much for picking up my proposal "Power of Science". It gave us such great science supplies like a recycle kit, books and materials. It is so nice to have people like you give children such valuable educational gifts.

    These materials are great tools for learning science. They also add new and interesting experiments to our science curriculum.You have really made a difference in building up my student's self-esteem.

    I hope you can see by the photographs taken, how much my class enjoyed your donation. My class wrote thank you letters to express their gratitude for your kindness. We would like to thank you again for the extraordinary gifts that we will never forget.”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. C.

  • See & I Science

    Funded Dec 20, 2009

    We are truly grateful for your generosity. My classroom was in great need of science materials. I have worked hard on getting materials for my students, but it seemed as though it was never enough, until you came along. My students and I are truly appreciative of what you have done for us. My student's grades have improved tremendously due to the hands-on activities that the kits have provided.

    I am grateful to you and appreciate everything that you have done for us. Woodville needs more people like you. Again we are thankful for your kindness, and we hope the rest of your year is filled with nothing but joy, you deserve it!

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Grant

  • 3D Geography Part II

    Funded Oct 23, 2009

    I can't thank you enough for your donation to our class. Model Magic is one of the best products I have used in my class in a long time. Students love the way it feels to mold it and I love how clean it is in a room without a sink! We were able to make our make our land form molds and move on to another subject without having to stop to do a lot of clean-up. Most days there is so much to do with so little time to complete. A few extra minutes mean a lot.

    My students were excited to learn the different kind of land forms. The molds helped them to remember what they have learned. It gave them a great visual when they had to label the different land forms. Reinforcing their learning is so important to me. Some of my students learn material from books, some from videos and some learn it by listening to me. Every one of them was able to use the visual model to reinforce what the learned previously. For that I thank your generosity.

    Individuals like you give my students a chance at success. The resources they aren't provided with at home have to be made up somewhere in order for them to find success. I thank you again for being one of those resources by providing them with materials to help enjoy school.”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Ferro

  • Reading In The Science Classroom!

    Funded Dec 9, 2009

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous donation to my classroom. My students as well as I, love the Current Science magazine. We read from the weekly in our enrichment class. The students love reading them, because they learn new things as well as sometimes gross things. I enjoy using them, because they line up to my curriculum.

    My students are learning and having a fun time doing it. I also enjoy the magazines, because it is a good way for my students to practice reading aloud in the classroom. Current Science magazines are also great because once I am done with them, I can lend them to another Science teacher. These magazines are good resources to use in the classroom.

    Teaching junior high is fun as well as challenging. I try to think of new ways to be creative and to be able to reach my students and fulfill their needs. These magazines are a great resource in my room. Thank you so much for your help. My students and I truly appreciate your kindness and generosity. ”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Tennant

  • School Supplies Needed Badly!

    Funded Dec 13, 2009

    I can hardly put into words how grateful I am for your generous donations to my classroom. As you can see in the photos, my kids are having a lot of fun with the school supplies your money bought. Most kindergarten students are very visual, hands-on learners. The Do-a-Dot markers worked wonders when my students were practicing counting to 30. They would make dots on the paper, count them, then write the number of dots. They had a blast. All you could hear in the room was the soft "peck, peck, peck" of the dauber hitting the paper while they were making their dots. I have to fight them each time we have to put them away.

    My students also LOVE the writing and story paper. Their handwriting has improved so much just by seeing the vibrant colors of the top, middle, and bottom line on the paper. They love making their "sky" letters and "ground" letters. Before they were all over the page, not paying much attention to the lines on the paper. Now that they have attractive, bright, beautiful paper to write on, they hardly put their pencils down.

    The smiles on their faces everyday makes my year. They aren't sad because they don't have school supplies. We aren't scrounging around the room or building looking for crayons, glue, etc. It is in abundant supply because of your generous hearts.

    Thank you for caring about my students and enriching their learning and their lives.”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Armstrong

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