I teach languages to adults. I know how hard it is to learn one. ESL is vital to these kids and their future - and their ability to contribute to our future.
WOW! Thank you so much for helping me to get this project up and running! I am so excited to get the materials and start working with my students to help them reach their goals and be comfortable within their new learning environment. Thank you for being part of this and making something so amazing happen for my students”
My project has been funded!!!! I am so excited about the limitless opportunities that these new vocabulary materials will bring to my classroom. I have a large ELL (English language learners) population and these materials will help me focus on vocabulary which will in turn help my kids be strong readers. A million thank yous for your kindness and generosity. My kindergartners are going to LOVE the new materials! Continued blessings and many thanks
Thank you so very much for the dictionaries! Up until now, the students have had to share dictionaries or work with dictionaries that are mixed and matched, making the lessons more difficult to do.
Now, each child can work independently on their English/Reading/Writing assignments or can look at the same information during group lessons/tutoring (less confusion that way). Also, in my tutoring groups with my ELL students, we can devote more time to word studies (multi-meaning words, homophones, synonyms, antonyms, etc.) that will improve their language skills.
Thank you again. When I told my students about the donation, they were very excited and can't wait to use them.
Thank you so much for this generous donation. There are many ESL children who will be benefiting from these materials. These children want to learn. It is very difficult to teach a child that doesn't speak a word of English. These materials will be valued. Thanks again”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Silton
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