Thank you so much for funding my LITTLE SCIENTISTS proposal! The materials I will be receiving are packed with science equipment that my pre-kindergarten students will be very excited to use! We will have a spring sea life unit, an insect unit and a butterfly unit so the books and specimens will be used within the next few weeks. It's amazing that folks like you are funding classrooms like mine. Thank you from me and my students. You are making a difference”
It touches my heart to realize that you have made the opportunities for the children far more than they would have ever been without your help. It is with the assistance of citizens like yourself that we as educators are able to educate the next generation. On behalf of the students and their parents I would like to thank you again for your kindness and generosity”
Thank you so much for funding our proposal. The students are really excited about the new rug and can't wait to sit on it. We are currently at a school, that is in desperate need of a rug, while our old building gets renovated. Your donation is greatly appreciated!
I am so excited to have my project funded. My students and I are really going to enjoy reading them. Plus I feel they can learn a lot from these nonfiction texts. Thank you so very much for your donation. I can guarantee it will be put to good use.
What a surprise to receive notification that my Pre-Kindergarten Science Project has been funded! It is so amazing and wonderful that people in the community care about our classrooms and take the time to read proposals and generously donate to them! The science teaching items I have requested are truly things that young students CAN and WILL use in class. You have no idea how gratifying it is to feel that our work in public school is being supported by individuals like yourself. Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful gift!
Thank you very much for your generosity in funding "Literature of Extremity." It's important for students to learn about the connections between history and literature. It's also important for them to understand what happens to language when humans are pushed to their physical and emotional limits. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you”
I am very excited to be funded for this project. I actually have the National FFA Forestry team this year from New York State and have had to borrow many Forestry tools to prepare the students for this competition. My students will utilize these tools and hopefully continue to win competitions that prepare them for careers in the forestry field.
Thank you so much for giving us this exciting opportunity”
I want to thank you very much for choosing our school to donate to.
It is very hard to prepare our students for the NYS science exam without enough scales. With your donation, you will be helping over 150 students learn how to use and read a scale.
My students and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your donation. My students struggle using the math materials given by the district and now they will be able to flourish with hands-on materials. They are looking forward to using all the new math materials. I told them when the materials come they will be so smart they won't know what to do. They can't wait to become math wizards. Thank you so very much.
Thank you so much for the funding of our "Write Science" proposal! The science notebooks, dictionaries, and binders will assist our fifth grade students in effectively organizing and understanding science content and curriculum. We appreciate your generosity greatly and are so thrilled that you have chosen our proposal to graciously fund. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. M.
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