Past projects 47
Traveling the World, Through Books, in World History Class
Funded May 20, 2016I am so delighted at the activities I've been able to lead my students through thanks to the books you've donated to our classroom. It is fun to be able to say to the class, "Okay, we just read in our textbook about Southeast Asia in the Middle Ages. Now, let's imagine a wealthy benefactor has decided to give YOU an all-expenses paid, one-week trip to anywhere in Southeast Asia. Where would you go? Why?"
Previously, I had to rely on the un-curated Internet for this, and that was only IF I could get my students access to enough devices. Now, thanks to your books, I can do this quick extension / enrichment activity at any time.
Thank you so much for this kindness you've shown us.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
Empowering Students to Explore World History through Art
Funded May 6, 2016Dear Donors,
The books you donated are highly visual in nature, so it is easy to get students immersed in them; before I even had them all passed out to the students this past week, half the class was lost in exploring their book.
I asked students to spend 20 minutes curiously reading their books, with an emphasis on being curious. Like any class in the USA, mine are made up of art lovers and kids who wouldn't touch a paint brush if their life depended on it, but my goal is for every student to engage with their book with a good attitude and an eye toward advancing their personal learning.
Up until now in my world history class, it hasn't been possible to go more than a centimeter deep when it comes to art and art history. Now, thanks to you, this past week my students experienced their first self-paced exploration of art through the book I laid on their desk. I am looking forward to doing this many more times.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
This classroom project was brought to life by an anonymous donor and 6 other donors.Diving Deeper Into the 1890s Through Self-Guided Research
Funded Feb 25, 2016Dear Donors,
The first step to getting students interested in books about a time period as specific as the 1890s and early 1900s is arranging a "speed dating" scenario of sorts. Toward this end, I give each pair of students a newly donated book, and I ask the pair to take turns getting familiar with the basic contents and premise of the book. So, for example, students who picked up A History of Resistance in Namibia quickly discerned that it was a book that would feature a specific African colony and country in its struggle during the Scramble for Africa of the late 1800s.
Then, students ideally "share out" to the class about the book they've just previewed. Sometimes students will end up choosing the book they already hold for their independent reading book; other times, the book will be requested by a student across the room.
When we did this activity in class earlier this week, I could tell that the books you gave us will be loved for years to come. Thank you for giving my kids access to books that both adolescent and adult history lovers can love.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
Novelistic History Books = History Love + Literacy Growth
Funded Feb 25, 2016Dear Donors,
The first step to getting students interested in novelistic history books is arranging a "speed dating" scenario of sorts. Toward this end, I give each pair of students a newly donated book, and I ask the pair to take turns getting familiar with the basic contents and premise of the book. So, for example, students who picked up The Bible and the Sword quickly discerned that it was a book that would feature conflict between Europe and the middle east over the centuries.
Then, students ideally "share out" to the class about the book they've just previewed. Sometimes students will end up choosing the book they already hold for their independent reading book; other times, the book will be requested by a student across the room. "Oh, I've always wanted to read a book on the Crusades."
When we did this activity in class earlier this week, I could tell that the books you gave us will be loved for years to come. Thank you for giving my kids access to books that both adolescent and adult history lovers can love.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
The Best Places on the Planet, Contained on Our Bookshelves
Funded Feb 9, 2016Dear donors,
The travel books you donated have produced a significant vibe of excitement in my classroom. I am starting to see that books like this belong in every world history classroom in the country. If we can't sit and daydream and learn about the fascinating places in our world that are accessible to us through modern travel today, then how are we supposed to get maximally excited about the history of these places hundreds of years ago?
Some of the books you gave are already getting worn covers; this is a great sign! Students pull them from the front of the classroom, where they are proudly displayed, on a daily basis. You have truly opened the world up to my small-town students.
Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
Traveling the World in World History Class, through Books
Funded Mar 9, 2016Dear donors,
The travel books you donated have produced a significant vibe of excitement in my classroom. I am starting to see that books like this belong in every world history classroom in the country. If we can't sit and daydream and learn about the fascinating places in our world that are accessible to us through modern travel today, then how are we supposed to get maximally excited about the history of these places hundreds of years ago?
Some of the books you gave are already getting worn covers; this is a great sign! Students pull them from the front of the classroom, where they are proudly displayed, on a daily basis. You have truly opened the world up to my small-town students.
Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
The Horrors of History and How to Avoid Them
Funded Jan 1, 2016One of the books that you gave me, Atrocities, has become a class favorite in all of my world history classes. I had researched this book and suspected that it would be quite helpful, but I had no idea how student-friendly and well-researched the book would truly be. It could certainly serve as a world history textbook all its own -- but with the important difference from most textbooks in that students seem very motivated to read it.
Thank you so much for your generosity in providing this book -- my students are very appreciative!”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
A World Class Library for World History Students
Funded Dec 26, 2015When I received the box of books you donated -- Bill Bryson's A History of Nearly Everything and African Diary; John Gribbin's The Scientists; and David Graeber's Debt -- I was excited to share them with my world history students. In May, we will be conducting independent research projects, and my students will undoubtedly benefit from having these world-class resources available to them.
For example, many of my students next year will be taking Economics, and the Debt book that you donated will likely be of interest to those who want to get a head start on their learning.
In short, your generosity inspires me to keep teaching; I pray it inspires my students to realize that there are generous people out there who believe in their intellectual development.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
Speculative History & the Creation of Curious Student Minds
Funded Dec 25, 2015You should have heard my students chuckling when I introduced Randall Munroe's intelligent, humorous explorations of commonplace inventions and speculative questions. I teach smart, hard-working young people, and I have already seen several of them taking on Munroe's seemingly simple -- yet MIT-deep -- books.
The books you donated should prove helpful or seminal in the independent research projects we'll be undertaking in May. For example, anyone writing on the advent of the nuclear bomb will be well-served by Munroe's hand-drawn diagrams and witty explanations of the "city burning machine" (his book intentionally limits itself to 1,000 words) before diving into their historical research.
Thank you so much for believing in my students, their curiosity, and their potential, as I do. Your generosity inspires me to keep teaching and believing in these excellent kids.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart
Will Durant Books Will Make My Students Achieve!
Funded Nov 24, 2015For several months, I have wanted to give my students the chance to read Dr. Will Durant's excellent commentaries and meta-analyses on world history. Durant, one of the chief historical thinkers of the 20th century, is an author most high school students never even hear of.
Yet my students, future world changers and present life-dominators, now get access to this cogent thinker's books -- and we owe that opportunity and privilege to you. I have already seen one of Durant's books checked out of my classroom, and I suspect many deep thinking students will use his work to guide their independent research projects in May of this year.
Thank you so much for believing in my kids, as I do.”
With gratitude,
Mr. Stuart